When Life Hands You Brown Bananas

Lately, I have been feeling like life has certainly been throwing many difficult challenges at me.  As, I have been brainstorming beginning this blog, I never would have thought that my very first post would be about banana bread of all things but...When life hands you brown bananas...you most definitely should make banana bread!  This morning, I looked at the bananas sitting on the counter and one of my greatest passions,which happens to be baking, told me to feed my soul and bake banana bread rather than just toss them in the trash. 
The Bananas That Life Handed Me
The Finished Product

I am so glad that I was handed these bananas because I was able to indulge myself with what my soul was lacking...fulfillment!  Baking always fills my soul.  Today, as I was gathering the items to make this bread, I realized that I was short on the white sugar.  This shortage, allowed me to tweak the recipe for the better by using some brown sugar and the end result was fabulous!  Today, I was able to turn a few negatives around and produce something positive.  My goal for this blog is to force myself into focusing on more positives in my life by either turning negatives into positives or moving past them alltogether.

Thanks for joining me in this journey of striving to become the unperfected perfectionist.  The only way to do this is simply by taking one day at a time.


Anonymous said…
LOVE it! I had 12 brown bananas last week (the result of one parent trying to bring something healthy to the Cub Scout camp-out we hosted ... I don't think one boy ate one). I made 2 loaves of banana bread, 18 banana muffins (because I only have 2 loaf pans), and 18 mini-muffins! I put lots of cinnamon in mine, too ... the house smelled wonderful!

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