Happy Monday! I hope that everyone was able to enjoy their weekend before today arrived and a new week is upon us again. I had great hopes and ideas for starting something like "Motivational Monday" posts to share with you today. Well, I am very much a planner and do not like when things stray off routine and my day goes a bit differently than originally planned. This is something that I am trying to be a bit more relaxed about. Anyway, this morning, I had to head to the local Meijer for some groceries and came home with not only lots of groceries, but also a headache. Unfortunately, this happens more times than not. I unloaded the groceries into the kitchen and my headache instantly got worse as I was trying to find places to put them and keep it in an organized and orderly fashion. I moved into this house just over a month ago and the pantry and cupboards are feeling less than user friendly. Enough of the explanation of my change...