Peeking Out At The Storm...

It is already "hump day" today...or if you would rather put it into plain and ordinary terms, the midway point in the week.  So, here I am, feeling horrible that I didn't post anything yesterday.  It was a stormy and yucky, blah day here, as it was for many of you as well. I had intended on either making applesauce or apple crisp but, since I sat watching severe weather reports on T.V. for what seemed like didn't happen and the apples are still staring at me as I am typing this. Today, Emma has "early release" (she gets out of school one hour early...strange but, this happens every Wednesday and I love it!) so, we will be putting our apples to use as we spend some time together in the kitchen. She really wants to make caramel apples, which may indeed be another option.  Regardless, in the very near future, I will be making all of the above. 

These pictures sum up the "blahs" from here in Cincy yesterday....

The sun is shining here again and I am planning on being more productive and make use of those darn apples that I made such a big deal about finding!  I will try my very best to have pictures and another post later about our apple creation.

Enjoy your day!


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