1/2 Birthday Fun

Good Wednesday Morning!

Does anyone else celebrate "1/2 birthdays"?  Or am I the only one who makes sure that these days are never missed? 

I started celebrating these halfway point milestones when my daughter, Emma, was little.  So, yesterday brought upon us her 7 1/2 years birthday.  I simply do not know where the time went!  My baby girl is now a little (not so much, at 4 feet tall) social second grader.  I absolutely love watching her flourish and grow with each passing day. I grow more and more proud of her every single day.  I will admit that part of me feels her slipping away at the same time.  As exciting as it is to see her become this sweet, caring & go-getting individual, I miss the days where she was home with me and able to be my partner, in a sense, in my daily routine.  She has been in school all day since the first grade and I have yet to fully adjust.  I have always enjoyed the special bond that we have nurtured together.  I am certain that Emma being my only child makes this an even harder adjustment for myself. 

Before I become all emotional, I better get back to the focus of my post...1/2 birthdays.  When a 1/2 birthday comes around, I like to do what is done for an official birthday only on a smaller scale.  It makes for some excitement on which would just be an ordinary day. I bake a cake, sing happy birthday, give a little birthday gift and a card.  It is not only fun but, always brings a smile to the face of the recipient.  There is nothing I like to do more than to bring a bit of happiness into peoples lives.  Well, there you have it...the fun of celebrating 1/2 birthdays.  Perhaps, you too, will decide to include this bit of fun into your lives and realize the extra happiness such a simple celebration can bring and the added fun and memories it could put into your lives.

Here are a few pictures from Emma's 7 1/2 birthday...

 Enjoy your day!


Cindy Bultema said…
Very cute, Jen!! Thanks for sharing! :) P.S. Your top picture makes me miss your yummy desserts! :)
Jen said…
Thanks Cindy! I miss sharing my desserts even more!

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