Snickers and Ugly Tissues

Have you ever had a day where you were inundated with choices?  In recent months, when I have been feeling like choices were not an option for me to be made, I was reminded today, that indeed, I, at times have more choices than I wish to make.  The realization struck me while I was on a routine trip to Target this afternoon.  I had my list of things that I needed and figured that I would be in and out of the store in no time flat...not a chance. 

 First, I stood before the Halloween candy and got completely overwhelmed as I stared at bags and bags of so many mixed up varieties.  Each time I picked up a bag thinking that I had chosen the right one, another one caught my eye. I am certain that I stood there for a full ten minutes before I decided that I had to make a choice and move on.  Finally, I threw two big bags of random candies into the cart and moved on.  I was relieved to have that choice behind me...until I reached the tissues.  I honestly do not, for the life of me, know who designs the tissue boxes these days.  I would guess that about ninety-five percent of them were so hideous that I may just rather use toilet paper to save me from seeing such ugliness sitting around my house.  Seriously, would anyone agree with me on this one?  Another ten minutes choosing the least ugly tissues and I was able to move on get the rest of the items on my list. 

At this point, I started to think about the choices we are faced with each day of our lives.  Some days, they are just silly and somewhat meaningless choices that really won't make any difference if we get the Snickers bars or Skittles or even the hideous box over the somewhat less ugly box of tissues.  I tend to be one of those people that often gets all worked up over these little choices in life.  After my experience today, I am going to try my best not to get hung up over ugly tissue boxes.  At the end of the day, no one really cares how ugly the box is but, only what it holds inside.  I will leave you with this and encourage you, too, to try and not waste time or energy on unimportant and meaningless choices and focus on the more important things in our lives.  Just remember... life is too short to be worrying about your ugly tissue box. 


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