My Recent Findings...A Bit Different

As promised, I am here to report my findings from yesterday.  I found a place that was a slight improvement from Saturday's letdown of the lack of fresh apples and doughnuts.  This fruit farm had that fabulous bakery smell that brings back so many memories of my favorite apple orchard back home.  I have learned that sometimes you just can't substitute a good thing.  Yes, this establishment had the things we had come searching for... just "different".  I don't always adjust to "different", very easily.

Yes, the doughnuts were pretty darn close to the ones that I grew up enjoying each and every fall.  And, as I have not yet tried the apples, I am sure they are juicy and fresh and will produce some fine applesauce and tasty apple pie but, as I am typing this today, I am missing home greatly. Memories of places and people back home creep into my thoughts and my emotions take over. I am just being honest.  I rather be honest and let you know this rather than to say otherwise.  As if you couldn't tell already, if you have read any of the past posts, I am one to wear my heart on my sleeve.  This is not always such a good quality as I have learned over the years.  Like I have said before, I am who I am. 

Tomorrow brings a new day and I am hoping that after a good nights sleep, (something that did not happen last night) I will be feeling more positive again and maybe even put those silly apples to use by making some applesauce or apple crisp.  

If any of you are struggling with something in your life today, I encourage you to remember this....tomorrow when we wake, a new day awaits us.  Give it all you got!  When we don't do this, we are left with regrets.


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