A Weekend Synopsis & A Recipe

I am not sure about you but, my weekend seemed to come and go in a wink!  As a whole, it was a pretty good weekend too.  I was able to spend some time with my brother and catch up a bit.  We have been having some issues communicating with each other recently and neither one of us could seem to get through to the other.  I decided that I didn't want to continue on with us each being too stubborn to reach out and put whatever stupid things we weren't quite seeing eye to eye on, behind us.  As I have said a hundred times before...

Life is too short. I made the right choice.  Everything is good now and back on the positive again.  He is the only brother that I have, I want to nurture the relationship, not let it crumble beneath me.  I love you, Michael.

A few low points of the weekend were hearing the news of a runner in the Chicago Marathon  that died 500 yards before the finish line. I don't know this man at all but, in my eyes, I believe this man was still, very much, a man of success.  He was a veteran marathoner, husband, father of two young children, captain of a fire engine crew, who signed up for the race with goals of raising money for burn victims.  Such a very sad story.  I have a few friends of my own that ran the very same race and I want to send them a huge hug of congrats because, I believe, that they, too, are huge successes!  Running a marathon takes  a huge commitment.  This commitment requires dedication both mentally and physically.  Although I have not taken on this challenge personally, I know just from running a half marathon, that it tests you physically and mentally.  It gives you training runs that leave you feeling on top of the world because they were so great, as well as runs that leave you very discouraged.  I admire all who have taken the leap of faith and given all they had to run a marathon. Each one of you inspire me. I know that anything is possible.  I am just not thinking that my body is set up to carry me 26.2 miles.  I could be wrong.  Perhaps someday, down the road, I could be blogging about myself running a marathon.  Only time will tell.

The other bummer of the weekend was my daughter coming down with some kind of cold  or just a case of the "not feel goods".  I am crossing my fingers that some extra rest and TLC will have her feeling well enough to be back to school tomorrow.  It is super important that she be there for the states standardized testing that is scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday.  Please say some prayers that she will be feeling refreshed when I wake her tomorrow.  It always makes me so sad to see her not feeling well.  

Now that I have briefed you on the ups and downs of my weekend, I will share with you a recipe that I tried yesterday.  I had been really itching to make something with a pumpkin twist.  Fall just makes me crave things baked with apples, pumpkin and squash. Not together of course! So, I scoured around a bit and found a recipe for Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.  One may think that I have some weird obsession with anything Snickerdoodle lately!  Well, I thought this sounded delish!  I whipped up the dough late yesterday afternoon, and failed to read through the recipe completely enough to notice that the dough required chilling.  Oops!  Shame on me for only "skimming" the recipe before heading into my kitchen.  No worries.  It worked out just fine as we were able to sneak our Bob Evans carry out dinner in before the dough was ready to be rolled into cookies and baked.  

I am sharing this recipe with you, in hopes that you will try it for yourself and maybe even be brave enough to come back and post a comment on what your thoughts were.  The cookies were good but, not quite as good as I had hoped for.  The pumpkin flavor was a bit too subtle in my opinion.  Next time, I will definitely add more pumpkin to the recipe in hopes for a stronger pumpkin taste.  Now don't at all let me discourage you from heading directly for your kitchen and begin baking your heart out, because I didn't think the pumpkin was strong enough.  We all have different likes and tastes.  This is exactly the reason I want to get some others opinions.  Through my experience, and love for baking, I have learned that most recipes need some tweaking in one way or another.  So, if you are feeling like baking, please try these.  And if you are feeling like sharing and contributing to my blog by posting a comment about your thoughts and results, I would be ecstatic to hear from you!  

Here is the recipe...

Have a wonderful afternoon and happy baking!  


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