Thankful Thursday...My Blog

Good Morning!

Here in Michigan, I woke up to a morning that was dark as night, cold and very rainy.  You know, the type of morning that you would rather pull the covers over your head?  I still was trying to be positive, despite the fact that my sweet dog got wrapped around a tree in the backyard.  Him doing so, required me to go out in the rain and darkness, hoping that I didn't step in a pile of fresh dog poop.  I was so happy, and I am pretty sure that it was lucky for my dog as well, that I did NOT step in a landmine of his. Lord forgive me for the unkind words that I muffled under my breath about my dog. I was simply irritated and in an instant, it got the best of me. He is such a good dog and I love him, he just makes me crazy in times such as these.

Yes, this is going to be a great day!  It is Thankful Thursday today! Today, I am writing the post that I had planned on last Thursday. Last Thursday was the first birthday of my blog. Today, I am thankful for my blog, that is now one year and one week old.  The thought of this is crazy to me.  It seems just like yesterday that I was brainstorming names before I could even embark on the journey of beginning my blog.  The name itself took lots of thought.  I kept thinking of words of things that I enjoy and that make  I had all kinds of inspirational words that I liked, in addition to things like running and baking, just to name a few.  I kept running into the problem of the usage of certain words that could make my blog sound too specific to that subject.  For an example, running.  Having running in the name, would make one think that it is only a blog about running.  I admit, I do mention running often, but, that is just one facet of who I am. I love running so, it makes sense that I share my thoughts and experiences as a runner.  I was determined to have a broader name to my blog in order to be able to write a little bit about everything, random or routine, that is on my mind or happening in my life.  And that is when the name finally came to me and The Unperfected Perfectionist was born.  It is a name that describes me so very well.  I am a complete perfectionist in my life and as hard as I may strive to be perfect, just as any other soul, I never will be.  The name choice is something that I have never regretted.  I am still as happy with the name as I was when I first created it.  

I am thankful for the total joy my blog has provided me.  I never had the slightest clue that I had such a love for writing.  My main purpose for beginning my blog was more as an outlet and focus to help me be more positive and help me adjust to my uprooting from my entire life and everything that I ever knew to a new chapter in my life as I moved to Cincinnati.  I never, in a million years, would have guessed that a year later, I would be blogging from my hometown in Michigan, that we moved back to, within a short nine month span!

I have looked back at my life over the last year and I am amazed at how much I have grown personally.  This blog was a very big part of that growth.  I knew that if I wrote a blog that spoke of how miserable or sad that I was, not a single soul would be interested in reading it, friends, family or not. It forced me to get a new, positive frame of mind. I wanted to inspire and try to relate to people as the regular and ordinary person that I am.  From day one, I wrote this blog from depths of my soul.  I have written with all honesty and shared with you things that I have experienced. I have shared my emotions, both happy and sad.  I just wanted to be real. I never wanted to, and will never write things that make me seem like my life is anything but ordinary.  I have read blogs in which, the posts only share the great and wonderful, over the top, happenings.  To me, that isn't real.  Not one person in this world lives a life of only good and happiness.  Sorry, but, wake up from your dreams and fantasy world!  Life would be so incredibly boring if we never experienced, struggle, hardships or sadness.  I am certain that I am repeating myself by saying this but, it is those times of struggle that make us stronger and allows us to embrace the wonderful times and makes those times happier and more fulfilling.  

I have 100% become a much more positive person myself, since writing this blog.  It makes my life more fulfilling and fuels my many purposes in my life. To know that I made someones day even a little bit better, makes it even more fulfilling. The thought of this makes me smile and my soul sing. To me, that means success. I know that many of my readers are family and friends and sometimes, it is even someone that I have never even known.  It is my hope that when someone stumbles upon my blog, or a regular follower reads it, that they pull out some sort of inspiration or positivity.  Or perhaps,they leave with a smile on their face or a giggle in their belly.  

Today, on this cold and rainy, Thankful Thursday, I am so very thankful for my blog,The Unperfected Perfectionist. I want to thank each and every one of you that has joined me on this journey.  It has been an incredible experience and I look forward to much more ahead.  Please feel free to leave a comment at any time or send me an email if you are more comfortable.  I know that it can be a little scary to leave comments for all to read sometimes.  Please know that I love reading comments and I hope to see more of them in the future.  Hint, hint.  :)

What makes you thankful today? 
Have a wonderful day!


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