Thankful Thursday...Music

Being Thankful Thursday, I asked, her as she was getting ready for school, what she was thankful for today. She answered, "I am thankful that I have such a wonderful mom who takes such good care of me when I am sick." So very sweet! I could not help but to respond with, "And a mom who also takes very good care of you at all times, not just when you are sick." And of course, she agreed. I love being a mom.
Today, I am thankful for music. Does that seem broad? I am thankful for music for a few different reasons. As I have been feeling the total lack of energy lately, I have taken notice that anytime I get in my car and turn up the music, it seems to make me feel better. Music boosts my mood and my energy,until I turn it off and get out of the car anyway. Ha ha! Music gives me motivation. I like to put some music on when I am cleaning the house, providing my husband is not working from home. I absolutely must listen to music when I go running or do other exercise. I even like to listen to music when I am in the kitchen cooking or baking. Sometimes, I am even lucky enough to listen to music when I take a shower in the morning. This is a pretty rare occasion because I am usually up before the rest of my family and if I had my music was pumping out of the bathroom, I would likely get an unfavorable response from my family.
I will tell you that it can't be just any kind of music. In fact, I was just sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office this morning, while waiting to have my blood drawn, thinking about how awful the music was. Perhaps if doctors offices played something a bit more upbeat, the patients waiting may have a more positive attitude when they are called back to see the doctor. Hmmm....I wonder if they have ever conducted a study on this before? They most definitely should do so. I would be curious about the results. Is anyone with me on this? Or do you enjoy this type of music? Personally, it makes me either A) want to go to sleep, or B) sit there and cry. It is so often really mellow and makes me feel sad. Maybe it is just me and I am overly sensitive most of the time.
I definitely like a wide variety of music but, my favorite is something very upbeat. Think something with a good beat, a good deal of bass and just generally makes you want to belt it out as loud as you need to given the volume is already turned up way past the safe level. I am a most horrible singer but, I love to sing in the car. I am sure I look like a total fool but, it makes me feel good. Thank goodness for tinted windows. You can't even tell me that you don't do the very same least once in awhile. It is one of those things that are good for the soul. I encourage you to do this, if you don't already. And if you are currently a belt-it-out, horrible, can't carry a tune for the life of you, car singer, like it more often! Just thinking about this makes me smile. :)
It's funny because just today, my free trial period for satellite radio expired. As much as I enjoyed it, there are so many other ways I like to enjoy my music. I will say that my least favorite way is probably the local radio. Too much talking and commercials. I am lucky enough to be able to plug my phone into the USB port in my car and listen to either my iPod play lists or I love me some Pandora radio. So great to be able to customize my listening options. I simply pick one of my favorite artists that I am in the mood for and bam, there it is, along with similar artists. Love this!
Music is one of those things that has many facets. It can bring back memories. Music can churn up emotions. It can motivate or inspire. It can even provide an escape at times.
I guess that just about sums up my thoughts on music. Today, on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for music.
What does music do for you? Any favorites that you always turn to?
What are you thankful for on this last Thankful Thursday of October?
I hope you enjoy your afternoon and evening! Maybe you could even turn up the music and sing along to your most favorite song of all times. I guarantee you that it will leave you feeling better and maybe even leave you smiling.
Today, I am thankful for music. Does that seem broad? I am thankful for music for a few different reasons. As I have been feeling the total lack of energy lately, I have taken notice that anytime I get in my car and turn up the music, it seems to make me feel better. Music boosts my mood and my energy,until I turn it off and get out of the car anyway. Ha ha! Music gives me motivation. I like to put some music on when I am cleaning the house, providing my husband is not working from home. I absolutely must listen to music when I go running or do other exercise. I even like to listen to music when I am in the kitchen cooking or baking. Sometimes, I am even lucky enough to listen to music when I take a shower in the morning. This is a pretty rare occasion because I am usually up before the rest of my family and if I had my music was pumping out of the bathroom, I would likely get an unfavorable response from my family.
I will tell you that it can't be just any kind of music. In fact, I was just sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office this morning, while waiting to have my blood drawn, thinking about how awful the music was. Perhaps if doctors offices played something a bit more upbeat, the patients waiting may have a more positive attitude when they are called back to see the doctor. Hmmm....I wonder if they have ever conducted a study on this before? They most definitely should do so. I would be curious about the results. Is anyone with me on this? Or do you enjoy this type of music? Personally, it makes me either A) want to go to sleep, or B) sit there and cry. It is so often really mellow and makes me feel sad. Maybe it is just me and I am overly sensitive most of the time.
I definitely like a wide variety of music but, my favorite is something very upbeat. Think something with a good beat, a good deal of bass and just generally makes you want to belt it out as loud as you need to given the volume is already turned up way past the safe level. I am a most horrible singer but, I love to sing in the car. I am sure I look like a total fool but, it makes me feel good. Thank goodness for tinted windows. You can't even tell me that you don't do the very same least once in awhile. It is one of those things that are good for the soul. I encourage you to do this, if you don't already. And if you are currently a belt-it-out, horrible, can't carry a tune for the life of you, car singer, like it more often! Just thinking about this makes me smile. :)
It's funny because just today, my free trial period for satellite radio expired. As much as I enjoyed it, there are so many other ways I like to enjoy my music. I will say that my least favorite way is probably the local radio. Too much talking and commercials. I am lucky enough to be able to plug my phone into the USB port in my car and listen to either my iPod play lists or I love me some Pandora radio. So great to be able to customize my listening options. I simply pick one of my favorite artists that I am in the mood for and bam, there it is, along with similar artists. Love this!
Music is one of those things that has many facets. It can bring back memories. Music can churn up emotions. It can motivate or inspire. It can even provide an escape at times.
I guess that just about sums up my thoughts on music. Today, on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for music.
What does music do for you? Any favorites that you always turn to?
I hope you enjoy your afternoon and evening! Maybe you could even turn up the music and sing along to your most favorite song of all times. I guarantee you that it will leave you feeling better and maybe even leave you smiling.