My Whereabouts

Hello my fine friends!  I had no intention of going a week and a half without posting.  It is amazing how much I took Internet service for granted!  We were having some unknown problem with our phone and Internet last week that was not finally repaired until Monday night. Let me just say that a week without Internet service is rather irritating.  No less than five repairmen came out to attempt to solve the issue.  It was obviously no easy feat for these people.  I was slightly frustrated with this put it nicely.  It was one of those situations in which you could not possibly get a human on the phone to discuss the problem.  The closest I was able to get someone,was instant messaging with a customer service agent.  All said, I am pretty sure that not one of them knew any more than the next.  I am absolutely convinced that they had a company wide "first day at work" week.  Okay, enough with the steam blowing.  We are all back in working order now.  Move ahead.

Not only was my Internet and home phone completely out of service for a week, my sweet daughter was sick for four out of five school days last week.  I hope that this yucky sickness hasn't hit your house because it doesn't seem to be a short lived one.  In fact, as I sit here in my comfy chair writing this post, I have been feeling like my body is trying its very hardest at fighting off some kind of cold, likely the same thing my daughter has been experiencing.  I am of the sort that will completely deny that I am getting sick, in hopes that it won't actually happen. Try it sometime.  I swear that it can work, to some extent.  It is kind of like self-fulfilling prophecy.  You know how some people can just think themselves into sickness.  I have seen this happen and that is why I try my very hardest to think myself into NOT being sick.  It makes sense, right?  Please don't misunderstand, of course we all get sick at times in our lives in which it doesn't matter how positive your thinking may be, you are sick in bed and can hardly move, much less think in a positive light. 

So, as I was pretty much house bound last week, I did a little bit of baking.  I made some pumpkin bread and some Munchie Mix that I shared in this post here. I did some cleaning and lots of TLC giving to my sweetie as I tried to nurse her back to good health.  I was having some serious blogging withdrawals.  I had so many thoughts to blog but, no Internet.  Shucks!  I tried to look at it as,yet another, opportunity for myself to adapt to my routine being thrown off.  I know that it is good for me to have my routine thrown every so often. I get so caught up in routine sometimes, that I forget to live spontaneously and embrace the lack of routine.  I guess that is the positive that I was able to pull out of the negative that was thrown my way last week.  

Today, not only brings a yucky, cold and rainy day here in Michigan, but, Emma's 1/2 birthday.  She turns 8 1/2!  I already had a note waiting for her as she ate her breakfast this morning and the cake is baked and waiting to be frosted.  When I woke her up this morning, I asked her what day it was today and she just answered that it was Wednesday.  I then said, "It is October 19."  She then sleepily replied with, "My half birthday." A smile lit up her face.  What better way to celebrate a rainy fall day.  I wrote a post last year about how we celebrate half birthdays, that you can check out here.  Happy 1/2 Birthday my sweet, little lady.  I love you so very much.  

Now that I have caught you up on my whereabouts, I want to leave you with something that will make you smile. I saw these cute boys dancing in this YouTube video this morning on the Today show.  I thought it was cute enough to share with you.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did and that it leaves you with a smile upon your face.

  Have a wonderful day!  


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