Thankful Thursday...Being A SAHM

Hello friends! I was welcomed by the sun again this morning!  So thankful!  I know that I keep repeating myself about my gratefulness for something as simple as the sunshine, but, I can't help it.  

Onward.  I am going to try my best to stay focused and to the point in my post today so that I can soak up my Vitamin D, as I go for a run and maybe trim back some of my landscaping while it is so nice outside.  

Today, on this Thankful Thursday, I am tremendously thankful that I am able to be a SAHM.  For those of you who have not a clue what that stands for, it is not Sexy And Hot Mama!  It is a Stay At Home Mom.  I have been fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to make this my so-called, job description.  

The SAHM title is something that some would argue that it is a job at all.  Some say that it is so easy.  Some even have this preconceived notion that holding this title means that you sit at home all day watching TV on the couch and eating bon bons. Well, let me just clarify this for any who may be even a little bit confused.  Being a SAHM, is a very important job.  No, I am not trying to build myself up because I hold this title.  It honestly requires much, much more than laying around and waiting for your kids to wake up from their naps or get off the school bus each day.  

Just because I don't physically go to a job for someone else where I punch a time card,does not mean that what I do is any less important. I work for my family. My husband and I decided before my daughter was even conceived, that I would stay home as a mother.  This has been one of the best decisions we made together.  

My job as a SAHM has been the most fulfilling experience of my entire life.  It has been full of moments that have made me full of smiles and happiness, cry tears of sadness and of heartbreak, laugh from the deepest valley of my soul until tears are streaming down my face and I can't breathe.  It has been exciting to be able to watch my daughter grow and experience new things with each passing day. I was able to never miss a milestone. It has allowed me to attend school field trips and volunteer in the classroom.  For me, having only one child, being a SAHM has taken on an even deeper importance to me.  I will only be able to experience the milestones of raising a time.  I am thankful every single day for the things that I have experienced with my daughter.  

Of course, any mother experiences many of these same things, whether she has a career outside of the home, or if she is a SAHM.  I have a huge amount of respect for the mothers that have careers and still find the balance to do everything that I do as a SAHM. You women truly amaze me and I think you rock!  For me, holding only the title, although and important one, of SAHM, works for me and my family.  It has been the most wonderful responsibility and career that I could have ever dreamed about.  I have never had as much fulfillment in my life as I have once I became a mother.  Sure, my job has no set hours, but, ultimately, I put in as many waking minutes as it requires.  I try my very best and work my very hardest at performing my tasks as a SAHM, just as anyone else must do in any job.  As you can tell...I love my choice of being a SAHM.  It is something that I will never, ever look back and regret.  It may not be the right choice for everyone, nor may it even be a possibility for everyone but, for me, this has been the perfect fit and choice in my life.  

So, today, I am so incredibly thankful that I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a Stay At Home Mom.  I am thankful for this blessing numerous times each day.  I am also thankful for my husband who works so hard each day in his own career to make this possible for me and our family.  Without his hard work and dedication, this may never have been a possibility.  

I have a little something to share with all mothers out there.  This applies to all of you, SAHM or not.  Read it, think about it, and believe it.  

What makes you thankful on this Thankful Thursday?  

Have a wonderful and happy day!


Nicole VanderVeen said…
I have never read your blog before, for some reason today I clicked on it and it was just what I needed. I am also a SAHM and I was reminded how thankful I am to have this role. I was having a very difficult morning. My wonderful toddler son has been giving me a run for my money and trying my patience, to say the least. I was on the verge of tears of frustration and exhaustion as my daughter cried, ready to be nursed. So, I guiltily bribed my son with a cartoon so I could get him out of the kitchen where he was climbing into the sink to play in the dish water. As I nursed my beautiful baby girl I was feeling like quite a failure. I picked up my phone and clicked on your blog and it lifted my spirits. So, thank you, I needed a reminder of what I am so thankful for, being a SAHM.
Jen said…
Nicole, thank you so much for taking the time to post a comment and sharing your frustration. I am so very glad that I was able to give you a little boost today! As you know firsthand, being a SAHM isn't always easy but, it is so incredibly rewarding. I would have to say that the good times definitely outweigh the challenging times. And please,please,please are far from a failure! In fact, take that word out of your mind and replace it with SUCCESS! Keep your chin up:)
Nicole VanderVeen said…
Thanks Jen! This was just what I needed to hear. :)

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