Sometimes It's The Little Things...Even A Running Skirt

Oh my goodness, we have been having absolutely picture perfect weather this week and I can't stop smiling.  After last weeks gray and dreary weather, this is fantastic!  The sun is bright, the skies are clear blue, and the temperature has been in the seventies!  Not too hot, not too cold.  Absolutely perfect, if you ask me.  

Please forgive me for bragging about my weather, especially if you are not having these great sunshiny days.  The reality is, that soon enough, here in Michigan, I will be most likely in tears because we have had to endure months and months of cold and dreary.  Not my cup of tea.  I don't fair too well without the cheery brightness of the sun.  

Although, when I woke up today, it seemed darker than it has been, and the chill was in the air, I knew it was going to be a good day.  My husband has been so busy this week, that I have barely talked to him for more than five minutes at a time.  So sweet this morning, before he left the house, he looked at me and said, "Why do you have your sexy little skirt on today?"  I looked down at myself thinking, how on earth do you think that this...
...which is my running skirt, is at all sexy?  Just as I was thinking that he probably gets tired of seeing me in my workout clothes so often, he surprises me with a sweet compliment that made my day. My response was, "It is going to be 76 degrees today and I must go for a run."  It is good to know that he still thinks his wife of 11 years is cute, even in her running skirt.  

Sometimes it the littlest things that mean the most. Amazing how one simple statement can make me feel so great and positive about my day.  In fact, I am fairly confident in saying that he never even realized the effect of that one tiny statement had on me today.       I have forever struggled with my own self-confidence, body issues and just feeling comfortable with what the mirror shines back at me.  On this day, with one statement from my hubby, that struggle was made a little bit less.  Thank you, Honey.

As I went for my run, with the bountiful sun beating down on me, my mind felt more confident and I felt so good about myself and all I am capable of and have accomplished.  Thoughts of running my last half marathon in Indy, as I struggled the last 5 miles with pain, ran through my mind.  These are some of the hurdles that I have overcome.  Never do I quit.  Sure, negative thoughts crowd out the positive ones sometimes, but, I have determination with whatever I set my mind to doing.  What I am saying, is that as I may struggle daily that I am not good enough or don't measure up but, I never stop trying to be the best I know how to be.  I give everything in my life, everything that I have to give.  At the end of the day, I need to remind myself that with positive thoughts and determination, anything is possible.  Sometimes, we just need to push away the negatives  and remember the positives.  I am a firm believer that positivity breeds positivity and the same goes for negativity breeds negativity.  Its all a mindset.  We all have a choice about which side of the fence we choose to sit on.  Don't get me wrong, I most definitely have those days in which it seems nothing goes right and it snowballs.  I get sucked into the negativity. I am only human.  I have had long periods of time that the negativity has gotten the best of me. It is not a good place to be and I just have to work my way out of it. It is like the whole peaks and valleys scenario.  When you are in the valley, it seems impossible to get out, but, once you reach that peak again, everything takes on a whole new perspective. What I have learned about negativity, is that it does me no good at all.  I would, without a doubt, choose the positive side of the fence any day.  We all have our bad days, which is absolutely normal, and if we didn't have them, the good days wouldn't be as special.  

Does this all make sense?  Or did I just completely talk myself into an unending circle?  I swear to you that there are more times than not, that I sit down to write a new post, and my mind is spitting out thoughts about ten times faster than I can even get it written.  

Such a random post today, but, it was on my mind.  So many times, it is the little things in our lives that we may not even pay attention to.  These are often the most meaningful and may touch us in ways that we never knew possible.  I encourage you to make an effort to take notice of the little things.  It may be kind words, a hug when we need it the most or even just a smile from across the room.  

Have a wonderful afternoon!


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