Thankful Thursday

A glimpse outside my window...

No brown bananas to report this morning but, rather a beautiful sunny day!  Anyone who knows me even a little bit, knows that I love the sunshine!  I always feel so much better when the sun is shining.  I admit that I do not fair well when fall turns to winter and the gray cold and cloudy days, after day, after day and the sun seems to be in hiding or perhaps hibernation here in the Midwest.  As I looked out the window today and saw the beautiful sunlight cascading through the trees, which are beginning to take on their fall colors....I was gently reminded how thankful I am for the sun and the light it shines on me.  Today, I can push the gray days away and enjoy the warmth and brightness.  Enjoy your day and I hope that you,too,are able to see the  beautiful sunshine!


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