Today, instead of a long winded post, I have just a few pictures to share with you.  We went to the Cincinnati Zoo for what they call, "Hallzooween". It was another beautiful, sunny day and I was so happy to be outside to enjoy it as I got my daily dose of the much needed Vitamin D.  The zoo provided trick or treating around the zoo, Beauty Shop of Horrors (this offered nail painting, tattoos & hair glitter), and of course some of the animals were given pumpkins of their own.  We happened to be passing by the gorillas just after they were given their very own jack-o-lanterns.  Gorillas just fascinate me because they are so human like.  I was able to get a few shots of them as I maneuvered my way through the crowd and up to the front...I am a bit vertically challenged which, in these types of situations, causes a bit more work to achieve my goal of a few decent photos of some very cute gorillas.  Once I downloaded them and edited them, it was certainly worth every effort I gave.  I hope you, too, were able to enjoy your Saturday!   


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