Cows, Pumpkins and Flip Flops

Today, we decided to head out to a farm to get pumpkins. It kind of went like this...we came, we saw, we went.  I will just tell you that we are used to fabulous Michigan apple orchards that offer horse drawn hayrides, pumpkins, apples and wonderful bakery fresh doughnuts, pies and so on.  Here in Ohio, either we picked a less than exciting farm, or it is just different than what I have grown used to visiting every fall.  Another odd thing was going out to get pumpkins and wearing flip flops because it was 75 degrees!  I can't complain about that one bit! 

Well, we were able to see a few animals, grab a few pumpkins and some cider and snap a few photos.  As far as the bakery fresh doughnuts or many varieties of apples to choose such luck. 

Here is what I have got to share with you...
An unexpected surprise...cows


you wouldn't believe this...cows!

The chicken coop

The results of what became of our pumpkins will be soon to come....


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