What a Sweet Surprise To Find

As I stepped out of the shower this morning, I was surprised to find this waiting beside the sink...

I couldn't think of a much better way to start my morning.  Emma always seems to sneak little things into my life when I need them most.  I am so incredibly grateful for the relationship that continues to blossom between us each and every day.

The note that she left was written in a journal that we share together.  I gave her this unique journal last spring.


It is a journal between the two of us that we take turns writing back and forth to each other.  Most of the pages have ideas to journal about in order to learn more about each other and perhaps gain more insight about things that may not otherwise be learned or talked about.  It is always fun to find it waiting to be read and to write back.  Since we have moved, it had been tucked in a box waiting to be found.  Emma was so very excited to once again find this special journal we share.  She even told me that when we fill this one completely, she would like to begin another one.  This was music to my ears.  I know that as she continues to grow older, she will get busier with her friends and own activities.  I am hoping that this special journaling will continue to build our bond as she spreads her wings to grow into the remarkable young lady that she is becoming more so each day. 


Cindy Bultema said…
What a fun surprise!! Thanks for sharing, Jen! :)
Melanie said…
What a great idea! I think I will definetly do this with all 4 of the kids. How did you come up with that?
It sounds like Emma is as blessed to have you as her mother as you are to have her as your daughter. What a special way to learn more about each other.

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