Do You Remember?

Do you remember when life was much more simple?  The days when the world seemed to move at a slower pace and gave the impression of more happiness in existence? 

Here we are in the year 2011, and not only do we tend to hurry through our days but, are often caught up in searching and waiting for the bigger and better things that lie ahead.  Technology has become super exciting and made many things in life seem easier but, when you sit back and think about it really improving our lives or taking away the simpler times?  What is really important?  Don't get me wrong...I love the convenience of computers, Facebook, blogging, cell phones, texting and so on, but, there is something satisfying about the simpler times.  Nothing can really replace sitting down to write an old friend a letter and sending it in the mail... have her open her mailbox with a smile when she finds a letter from a dear friend. 

Do you agree? 

I think that I am going to make a point, this year, to hand write more letters to friends and family just to let them know that I am thinking about them. I have always been one to send cards but, a letter seems a bit more special.  A letter in the mailbox is like a sweet surprise sometimes.  Yes, it may come with a pile of bills and junk mail but, at least the receiver won't have to sift through 231 emails before they stumble upon a letter from someone that is thinking about them. 

I give you a challenge...sit down and write a letter or two this year to someone to let them know you care and they are important. Everyone in this world, busy or not, has the time to jot down a quick note and drop it in the mail.  Everyone also deserves to experience the element of surprise to find that letter when walking out to the mailbox on a rainy, wet day.  It may just turn someones day around for the better.  I really encourage you to give this a try.  I would love to hear what your results are. 

Here is something to help you remember the simpler times...

Enjoy your Sunday!


Anonymous said…
YOu nailed this and I totally agree with you. If you take the time to cut down on 5 minutes of texting and write what you think into paper, it tends to mean more. I have personally have not been good at this and need to take your advice on it. Great short and sweet post, thank you for reminding me how the simplier things like mail can brighten someone's day.
Jen said…
I am so glad that someone agrees! I am happy to hear you enjoyed the post! Thanks for reading, my friend! :)

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