Thankful Thursday - Bob Evans

Did I ever mention how much I love breakfast food?  I pretty much live on the typical breakfast foods...eggs, toast, oatmeal, cereal, and lets not forget, cappuccino!  What is not to like?!  If someone were to ask me my favorite food, I would likely name one of these ordinary foods.  I can't help that I am a very simple soul. 

Being Thankful Thursday today, I will tell you that I am incredibly thankful for my local Bob Evans.  Yes, the same one that I spoke of here a couple of weeks ago.  I have been coming here since the week I moved to Ohio. 

There are so many things that I love about Bob Evans.  First of all, I am treated like an old friend from the moment that I walk through the door. The hostess, Carol, always has a smile on her face and seats me in a cozy booth. I love that welcoming feeling that I am always greeted with.  I visit my friends at Bob Evans usually about once a week.  I have become somewhat of a "regular" there.  I always order the same thing...2 eggs over medium, wheat toast and an original cappuccino. I have a weakness for these cappuccinos and they offer free refills.  It is absolutely sinful! I also always have the same server, Robert.  I absolutely love this man.  He is about as sweet as they come.  I truly enjoy my conversations with him. He was even kind enough to let me take his picture this morning so that I could post it on my blog.  I told you he was sweet!

My weekly visits for breakfast with myself, which is something that I had never done before I moved here, have helped in my transition to a new town.  When I first moved and was feeling so very alone and isolated, it was my mom who encouraged me to get out and start my day by going to breakfast.  I will say that it definitely made a difference in my days.  As I got to know Robert and the others that work there, they became like old friends.  They are always very genuine and caring when they ask how I am doing, and I needed to feel that from people.  Growing up in the same town and living there my entire life, it is these little things that I never thought about because you knew everyone and they knew you.  When I was plopped 5 &1/2 hours from all of my friends and family, I realized that when you don't know anyone and they don't know feel so very alone. 

Flash forward to today, I have been here, in southern Ohio, for almost five months now.  I feel a little bit more at home as the days continue to pass so quickly.  I really enjoy my weekly breakfast routine.  I am able to visit with friendly people, eat a wonderful breakfast and now that they have Wi-Fi, I am able to do some of my blogging. I really look forward to these mornings. It has become a wonderful way to start my days.

So, for fantastic breakfasts, indulgent cappuccinos, and most importantly, friendly faces...I am thankful for Bob Evans.

What makes you thankful on this Thankful Thursday?


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