Thankful Thursday - Snow Days

I am 100% convinced that I must have brought the Michigan weather along with me when I moved south, here to Ohio.  I was under the impression that southern Ohio has a much more mild climate and less snow. Well, I have yet to see proof of this. The idea of less snow really excited me! We have had almost as much snow as back in my hometown!   I would love to see warm and sunny weather every single day.  Perhaps, to experience that type of tranquility, I will need to move to a beautiful Caribbean island and sell hot dogs or ice cream on the beach. This is a thought that passes through my mind no less than five times a day in the winter. Like I mentioned before, January and February are the toughest months for me.  It is almost as if old man winter casts a spell of the nasty blahs and sadness on me.  Some days just tend to be worse than others.  I am seriously considering hibernating next winter. It may pose a problem for me considering that I don't like to lie around and sleep.  I will have to brainstorm that one a bit more. 

Where is the thankfulness today, you ask?  Well, as twisted as it sounds after just explaining my thoughts on winter...I am thankful for "Snow Days".  You know, the days in which they cancel school because they consider it to be unsafe to travel past your doorstep.  This week, we had two of those days.  The first day, they cancelled school before it even began to snow.  It is a bit more of a panic for people in Ohio.  The grocery stores empty out of the staple items before any snow hits....just in case they can't get out past the front stoop.  It is crazy!  It makes me giggle when I see this.  :)  Anyway, I look forward to these days because it means that I get a tiny bit of extra time with Emma. Between school and her social life, I will take all I can get. 

Tuesday morning, I got the call that school was closed and I immediately was coming up with a plan for the morning.  I knew that maybe all I would get with Emma before she ran out to play with her friends.  So, I decided that we would enjoy a breakfast date together.  We "braved" the roads that really weren't bad....I am from Michigan remember?
We headed out to our local Bob Evans where they know us by name and enjoyed such a wonderful breakfast together.  We were able to have that one on one time that I cherish so very much.  We sat and talked together without any outside distractions.  I was so lost in this moment that I wanted it to last forever.  It is funny because there was a mother that brought in her three kids and the youngest would not stop screaming and they ended up taking their breakfast to go.  I said to Emma, "You know all of those times that you wish you had a younger what are your thoughts?"  She said, "Maybe not, I think that may be embarrassing."  After our fantastic breakfast, we headed back into the snow and stopped to Meijer(which was like a ghost town) to pick up a few groceries, including fresh flowers to fight off those blahs and valentines for Emma.  We headed home and after lunch, Emma headed out to play with her friend.  Just as I had planned, it was a fabulous morning!

Yesterday, brought "Snow Day" number two.  So, I jumped on the opportunity to enjoy another breakfast date.  These snow days were working out great!  So, before I jumped into the shower, I left this note outside of Emma's bedroom door...

And when I stepped out of the shower, I found this...

Seeing this note not only brought a smile to my face but, let me know that she enjoyed our breakfast dates as much as I do. Hopefully, she won't be mortified knowing that she forgot the word "to" on her note.  To me, it almost makes it more special. I have already tucked it away in a safe spot to pull out some day in the future and remember our day. It is something special that we were able to share together.  From now on, "Snow Days" will hold a unique meaning to them.

Today, I am thankful for the "Snow Days" that we had this week.  What are you thankful for?

Have a wonderful day!  Stay warm if you are someplace that is freezing southern Ohio! 


melanie anderson said…
I remember my mom and I going to Dennys for breakfast quite a bit when I was in preschool and kindergarten. Being the youngest of four there was never much one on one time, but those breakfasts always made me feel special. Your creating wonderful memories for Emma that she will always cherish! :-)
Jen said…
I grew up going out to breakfast with either my mom or dad growing up and it was always something special that I enjoyed with each one of them. Actually, I am still lucky to be able to do this once in awhile with them! I am so glad to be able to do the same with my daughter. :)

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