Thankful Thursday...My Flash Drive

Happy Thankful Thursday to you my friends!  I will tell you that as thankful as I am that the last weekend of the summer is almost upon us, I am also filled with anxiety, excitement, feeling overwhelmed and more.  As I have mentioned, I am running a half marathon this weekend and will be leaving my sweet girl home with grandma this time.  So, not only am I experiencing the nervous feelings about the race, but also the stress about getting myself all packed and organized and ready to leave my daughter at home.  She and grandma will have a wonderful time together. I will be the one feeling guilty about leaving her home and missing her smiling face along the race course.  Emma has never missed a race in which I have participated.  She wishes she could go but, this time it happened to be a "adult only" weekend.  This brings disappointment for both of us.  I know that sometimes it is good to get away, which I don't do very often, but, it is just never an easy thing for me.  

Enough of me sharing my overwhelmed feelings about the weekend!  Today, I am thankful for my flash drive.  You may be thinking..."How dumb is that?"  Well, several months back, I went to grab my flash drive off of the little back ledge of the kitchen counter, where I had safely kept it.  Would you believe that it wasn't there?!  I absolutely panicked.  I had just recently transferred close to a years worth of photos from my computer to the flash drive in order to delete them from my hard drive and to have them in one convenient place.  My stomach was sick.  I searched through everything possible.  I even searched beyond the kitchen just in case if I had moved it somewhere else without thinking.  At that point, I assumed that it must have gone in the garbage that was at the end of the counter at the time.  I just wanted to cry at the loss of irreplaceable memories and photos that captured experiences from throughout the last year.  I am one of those types of people that does not lose things.  I never lose sunglasses or misplace my car keys.    It makes me absolutely crazy to know something is lost!  This was a major mishap for me that I could never fix unless I found the flash drive again.

As the next few months passed by, I kept thinking about what photos I may have lost and I would keep rifling through the same areas and was always left empty-handed.  The all too familiar sick stomach would return.  

We moved back to Michigan and I had a glimmer of hope that it just may show up when we packed our life into boxes.  Nope.  No such luck.  

My luck finally changed when my hubby walked through the door just a few days ago and handed me the flash drive!  "Oh my goodness, you made my day!"  I told him.  I don't think I could wipe the smile away from my face.  He went on to tell me that he found it in a pocket, that he never looks into, in his leather business portfolio. And how in the heck did it end up in his portfolio?  I didn't put it there.  Although, I remember letting him use it for something he needed to make copies of for work.  I did question this when I first lost it but, when he looked, he couldn't find it and said he must have given it back to me.   Hmmm....

I am just sooooooo very thankful to have my flash drive back into my hands!  Just knowing that hundreds of photos of my family and friends are not just a distant memory.  Lesson learned.  The moment he gave it to me, I tied a ribbon on the end, and placed it in a very safe spot, never to be lost again!  

What makes you thankful on this Thankful Thursday?

I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  I will have photos and more to share with you next week about my exciting weekend in Indy!  Wish me luck!   I must get to my packing, cleaning, errand running, physical running,etc.  


Cindy Bultema said…
Have a great time, Jen! Look forward to seeing your pics next week. Just rememeber ~ Never, never give up!
Love to you
Cindy :)

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