Sick Days & Tea Parties

I am back!  I have been so good about posting regularly and it feels weird that I haven't posted in a few days.  Well, luck has it, we are only a few weeks into the school year and Emma has already been home sick  for a few days this week.  That would explain my disappearance.  My poor girl has had the yucky sore throat, stuffy nose and congestion stuff that seems to be making its way through the schools already.  No fun at all.  I was hoping that as she laid low over the weekend, she would be feeling better as the week begun. No dice. So, this week we have been pretty much stuck in the house. As you know from my last post, this is not something that I handle very easily.  

So, as she was home sick from school, we actually shared lots of one on one time together.  I was quickly reminded that even when she feels yucky and can't go to school, her mind simply never quits.  She has the best imagination ever and is so very creative.  We began with playing Pictureka together, only with our own rules.  A shorter, easier, modified version.  Then she rested on the couch for a bit before she asked if we could have a tea party.  My response was, "Absolutely!"  Its not every day that we have the opportunity to have a spur of the moment tea party together. At our tea party, we serve hot chocolate because she doesn't really care for tea, and fresh baked chocolate chip muffins.  The party had others that attended as well.  She got it all set up and it looked like this...
Complete with name tags and booster seats(pillows) for the other friends.  Its times like this that are absolutely priceless and warm my heart.  

After our tea party, she wanted lunch and after some more relaxing, she was on to her next idea...

Restaurant. She went back to her room and wanted to get it set up before I dined in her establishment.  She named it...
And she even had a detailed menu to offer.
Again...this makes me smile.  She doesn't seem to miss a detail, even when she is sick.

Our day carried on between her rest periods and her never ending mind full of ideas.  We played another game, snuggled and sat and read together too.  

I know, sick days should involve laying in bed all day, but, in all honesty, that is easier said than done.  I, for one, can relate.  Even when I have been feeling awful and sick, staying in bed and laying there just doesn't work for me.  I remember very clearly coming home from having my appendix removed and vacuuming.  Yes, its true.  I do not fair well at sitting around and doing absolutely nothing.  I just don't have it in me.  I believe that Emma must have some of the same genes.  

Although, she missed school, we did our own learning and made our own fun.  In fact, I will tell you that in her busyness, she got so caught up in what she was doing, that she would forget, somewhat, how horrible she was feeling.  I know that I am a far from perfect mom but, if she was able to busy her mind enough to forget how awful she was feeling, I am okay with that.  I think that laying in bed and doing nothing at all, would perhaps, make you think of nothing BUT, how horrible you were feeling.  Your throat is sore, your nose is stuffed and you can focus on nothing but the symptoms.  

We all have our own ways of parenting and I certainly don't let her stay home and just have a free day for no reason.  She was legitimately sick.  She is a child that does not like to miss school and is disappointed knowing all of the learning and fun she is missing out on.  When she cries because she feels yucky, I know that she isn't kidding or trying to just play hooky.  As much as my heart breaks when my sweetie is not feeling well, it is my responsibility to make her feel more comfortable and nurse her back to health.  My way of doing so may not line up with yours but, I can only mother and love my daughter in the best possible way that I know how.  

What do you do on sick days? Are you a stickler for making your kids remain in bed or do you grant them a few activities that they may do?  I would love to hear from you.  

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  I will certainly be back for Thankful Thursday!  



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