My Weakness...

Hello my friends!  I can't believe it is Wednesday already!  These holiday weeks always seem to throw me off.  Hopefully, everyone is settling into a routine again, as another school year is now underway. Here in Michigan, the feeling of fall arriving is definitely being felt.  The mornings at the bus stop are very chilly, already! I am talking, see your breath, cold! I swear my blood has thinned since my brief 9 month bout in southern Ohio!  I like fall but, come on mother nature, could you please just ease me into it a little bit more gradually?!   

Anyway, I am fully challenging myself to make a very brief post today, just to see if I am even capable of doing so.  I didn't even plan on writing today but, something popped into my mind, so here I am.  

So, I went for a brief 3 mile run today just to test my body out and see if it was all recovered from my race.  I can report that I feel pretty good!  It was great to just head out to run at my favorite place and not have any pressure whatsoever, other than my own expectations of myself.  Although, I was feeling tired as I headed out, it still felt absolutely fabulous and carefree.  

Believe it or not, the point of this post was not about was to be brief, right?  

After my run, I ate my lunch and was just wanting something sweet to munch on.  Call me lazy but, I wanted something easy.  Luck has it, my favorite treat is just that....easy.  I absolutely have a weakness for Rice Krispie treats.  They are so incredibly easy to whip up in a few minutes and just simply addictive. I just so happened to have just enough of all the needed ingredients to make a pan of these delicious, sticky, oh so yummy treats.  

My weakness....

I do suppose that I could have much worse things to call my weakness, such as, dark chocolate fudge brownies or white chocolate cherry cheesecake.  Can you see me trying to reason with myself on why its okay for me to sit down and eat the entire pan of these and feel okay with doing so? Of course, I will not do so, but, maybe close.  Am I asking for your approval?  Nah.  Of course it would be nice, but, once in awhile it is okay to give in to harmless weaknesses such as these.  Keep in mind....once in a while, being the key phrase.  After all, I did burn over 1000 calories on Saturday while running...OK, enough  reasoning.  

What is your weakness?  Do you feel guilty if you give into it?  

Enjoy your day! 


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