Muffins on Monday

Can we really be welcoming in October later this week?  I am already missing the warmth and sunshine of summer but, will welcome some crisp cool temperatures.  With cooler temperatures, I usually have the urge to bake much more often.  As I have said numerous times, baking is good for my soul.  When it is cool and gloomy outside, chances are pretty good that you will find me baking something fresh to share with friends and family.  In fact, over the weekend, was my husband's birthday, so I baked his favorite, chocolate cake with chocolate glaze.  For him, the more chocolate, the better.  

When I was done baking the birthday cake, yesterday, I cleaned up the kitchen and ran a few errands only to return home feeling like I wanted to do some more baking.  I came across this recipe last week and have been so anxious to try it.  The recipe was for snickerdoodle muffins.  I love snickerdoodle cookies so, I thought that the muffins sounded absolutely delicious!  

As I gathered my ingredients and prepared to bake this new recipe, I decided that I should capture a few photos just in case they turned out being share worthy.  I am so glad that I was thinking ahead because I am so excited to be sharing this recipe with you today. These muffins were so amazing!  There is a pretty good chance that you will have most, if not all , of the ingredients on hand.  I will say that I did make a small adjustment because I was low on white sugar. How can one who loves to bake be low on sugar?  Good question!  I usually always have a spare bag on hand.  Anyhow, I simply substituted 1/2 cup of the white sugar with brown sugar.  It worked out so well, that I will continue to make it this way in the future.  The muffins were so incredibly moist and delicious.  This is a muffin that you could take to a brunch or just enjoy it as a snack in the afternoon.  I don't typically eat muffins myself, not because I don't love them, but, because they usually have  high sugar and carb content.  I have to come clean and admit to you that I, indeed, ate two of these muffins yesterday.  I just couldn't help myself.  

I hope that you get a chance to feed your soul on a cool, fall day and bake some of these outstanding muffins.  You won't regret it. Perhaps, share some with a neighbor or friend, serve them to your kids as an afternoon snack, or simply take some time for yourself and enjoy one with a cup of  hot tea or coffee.  

Have a wonderful start to your week on this last Monday in September.  


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