Thankful Thursday...Mani/Pedi's With My Daughter

Good Thursday morning to you my friends!  It really felt like fall as we stepped out the door this morning to head to the bus stop.  I am still cold.  I was hoping that my coffee would warm me up. As I sit here to compose this post, I have a fleece on and I am about to kick on the heat.  As cold as I may be feeling, I am not complaining at the fact that the sun is abundant this morning.  I am enjoying it before it gives way to cloudy skies and rain this afternoon.  

Today, I am thankful for manicures and pedicures with my daughter. Several months ago, I took Emma for her first manicure and pedicure.  My hubby was gone for the weekend and I decided to make the most of our special "just girl" time.  I figured that at 8 years old, she was definitely old enough to experience this pampering experience.  In fact, I don't think that I actually experienced this myself until I was probably in college!  

Emma and I really enjoyed this pampering together.  It was a time that we could not only get beautiful fingers and toes but, more importantly, a time that we could share together talking, smiling, and giggling.  This time together is without all of the other distractions in our lives.  It is like a little escape together.  

After going to get mani/pedi's together that one summer day, it has become something that we have continued to do.  It is something that we have both grown to look forward to.  Her polish usually begins to come off sooner than my own, merely for the fact that she is a kid.  As it begins to look all chipped and shabby, I usually mention that we need to go for some pampering time again.  She is always on board and excited.  Most times, she wants to go as soon as it fits into our schedule.  

Yesterday, as I looked at my own nails, thinking to myself...they really need some attention.  They were looking sad and needed to be freshened up again.  At the time, Emma was at school, and I really had no desire at all to go to the nail salon and sit by myself. It simply would not be the same without her smiling face beside me. It was even a yucky and gray day outside. I still couldn't drum up any motivation to go knowing my little sweetie wouldn't be beside me. I decided to wait and ask if she may want to go after dinner.  

I am so glad I decided to wait.  She was thrilled with the idea.  We went for our occasional pampering together and enjoyed every minute of it together.  The only unfortunate part of having pretty toes, is the fact that, I believe our flip flop season is coming to end.  It still makes me smile every time we kick our shoes off and I catch a glimpse of the pretty flowers on our toes.  It just makes me think about our special time together...

And for this, I am thankful.  

What makes you thankful today?

I hope you have a wonderful day!


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