Something To Share...

Happy Friday afternoon to you!  I am so happy the weekend is here!  I have been feeling a bit sluggish as we fall back into the school routine again.  I just keep telling Emma, each morning, not to worry, we will get used to the early mornings soon enough.  I am very confident that after next week we will be all back into the groove of things again.  This morning already, I feel more energized and productive.  I got Emma off to school,vacuumed, straightened up things around the house, met a friend for breakfast, stopped at the Verizon store( I am still thankful for technology, but, my phone completely turned off and was black screened and lifeless! Come to find out nothing was wrong and they just had to reboot it some other way that I was not knowledgeable about...& I am back in business again!), got the car washed and vacuumed all before the clock struck noon!  I am feeling pretty great about this too!  The weather is forecasted to be warmer and sunnier for the weekend. Yay! Insert smile here! I am planning on spending some girl time with Emma and my mom while my hubby is gone for a golf weekend.  

I just wanted to leave you with a simple bit of inspiration to begin your weekend.  I am constantly searching out inspiration and encouragement to use in my life.  When I stumble upon any that I think you all may enjoy or be able to use in your lives, I will certainly keep sharing them with you.  Simply sharing inspiration or giving someone a little encouragement to make their day go a little easier, makes me smile and my heart sing.

If you click on the photo, it will be much easier to read:)

I hope that each and every one of you has a fantastic weekend filled with smiles,laughter and hopefully even some sunshine!  


Cindy Bultema said…
You too Jen! Have a great weekend!
Cindy :)

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