My Herb Garden

Another new week begins today.  I had one of those mornings that when my alarm went off, it felt like I had just crawled into bed and gone to sleep twenty minutes prior!  You know that feeling?  I have never been one to hit the snooze button because I know that those nine extra minutes are not really going to make me feel any better.  In fact,it makes me feel more sleepy. I would rather just get up and start my morning routine.  I hope that when you woke up this morning to welcome a new week ahead, that you felt more energized than I did! I had to make a morning run to get this...
This morning as I let my dog outside, I glanced at my herb garden that resides in a flower box on the railing.  I have been looking at this several times a day, every day and always think to myself...I really must snip some fresh herbs and put them to use.  This has been my first attempt at growing my own herbs.  I was inspired by my friend, Jen, who had a flourishing herb garden of her own.  She even let me clip some fresh cilantro to use in a delicious corn salsa recipe.  After using the fresh, from the backyard, herbs, I really had great visions of incorporating all kinds of freshness into summer recipes.  

Unfortunately, visions are about as far as the herbs got.  I planted this lovely box of herbs a bit late in the season but, I thought I would just give it a try.  Summer got busy. Unpacking my house and trying to feel settled, spending time with friends and family, traveling back and forth to Ohio, running, cleaning, searching for routine know, the basic "life got away from me" scenario.  
So, here I am, trying to figure out what the heck to do with all of these fresh herbs before frost hits in a few days!  A little bit of fresh herbs goes a long way.  I could go searching through my million recipes and search through all of the ingredients to make sure they listed one of my selected herbs, which are, dill(which is the saddest looking in the bunch), cilantro(loads and loads of this), garlic chives (also plentiful) and basil.  I could also search the millions of websites for recipes using my said herbs.  These ideas both exhaust me just thinking about it.  Sooooo very time consuming!  I know that I could make corn salsa.  Quick and easy and I have the ingredients.  One can only eat so much corn salsa and corn chips before feeling like you may never want to see corn ever again.  I figure that I could make pasta sauce or pasta salad.  Great plan for the rest of my family but, I don't really eat pasta.  

So, this leaves me with my last idea.  I could ask you, my readers, for some help and insight on ideas.  Any favorite recipes you always enjoy making?  I would love to hear from you.  I know that I may be going out on a limb here but, I have nothing to lose.  If I didn't ask, the entire thing may be going out with the garbage next week.  I am giving my poor herbs one last chance.  I really would like to enjoy them rather than give them to the garbage truck.  If they end up here...
I will forever feel like an epic failure as an herb gardener!  So, if you are willing to share a recipe, or thought on what I should do with my herbs, please leave a comment or email me at  I will be forever grateful!  

Enjoy your Monday!  


Unknown said…
so, of course there is always pesto. but, you can also freeze them for use later! i just found this trick out and it is such an amazingly useful thing! just place chopped fresh herbs in an ice cube tray (tightly packed) and top them off with some water. freeze them and then store the cubes in a baggie or container. you can then just drop them into soups and sauces as you need them!
Jen said…
Tricia...thanks so much for sharing that trick with me! I wondered if it was possible to freeze them and the process. I am definitely going to try this!

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