Boredom Resolved

Do you ever have those days that you feel like if you don't get out of the house you will go crazy?  Well, I had one of those days today. Yesterday, Emma wasn't feeling very well so, we pretty much just hung out at home.  I am thankful that I met a friend in the morning to go for a run, which turned into a walk because we had so much to catch up on.  The remainder of the day consisted of a bit of laundry, football and more football, in which I have a very short attention span for. I was a bit tired myself, so I attempted a nap but was not at all successful.  Why is it if I am tired, I can't ever even take a tiny cat nap?  Instead, I lay there thinking of 101 things that I could be doing instead, about the upcoming week, about the cold weather that I am dreading, about baking some cookies, about where and when I will start the P90X and on and on.  Its really quite ridiculous. I was restless and filled with boredom. 

As you can see, after being home all day yesterday, I needed to get out of the house.  I didn't even care where I went or what I did.  So, finally around 3 o'clock, Emma was feeling like she, too, wanted to go somewhere.  The weather was mild and somewhat sunny, so we decided amongst ourselves that we would head downtown and catch a sneak preview of ArtPrize, while getting some exercise and fresh air.  This is a really cool, open art event that our city has had for three years now.  If you have no clue what I am talking about and have never heard of this, you should definitely  check out this website, to learn more.

It felt so wonderful to be out in the fresh air.  It helped make all of us feel better.  I took some pictures along our stroll downtown to share with you.  

Enjoy the last wee bit of the weekend before a fresh week awaits us tomorrow.  


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