Turkey Day Synopsis With a Little Hiccup
Hello Friends!
Thanksgiving has now come and gone. I enjoyed another wonderful Pie Day with the ladies in the family last week. I am kicking myself for not taking any pictures. I always take pictures! The whole pie making process with all of us has become so efficient that it was done and over before I even got a chance to snap a photo. As always, we had lots of laughs and I ate too many of the extra little pie crust pieces sprinkled with cinnamon sugar that we always bake. You would never believe that we enjoyed wet burritos and frozen margaritas at my sister's house that evening. Surprising right??The evening included the guys in the family as well. Again, so much laughter was involved.
Thanksgiving morning arrived and I had these great visions of sitting down with a cup of coffee and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with Emma. Well, this is where diabetes showed its ugly face. I checked my blood glucose, as I do every morning and the number displayed. Fine and dandy. It was what the screen displayed next that sent me into a total panic mode. Something like pod error and call customer service. I couldn't clear the screen or do anything. My heart was racing, especially knowing that it was a holiday. My eyes instantly filled with tears. I took a deep breath and called the number. The friendly woman on the other end of the phone, assured me that it could be fixed over the phone. She told me to get a toothpick or paperclip and push the button on the back. Well, no success to report. Try again. Nope. She apologized for the inconvenience and told me that she could send a new one out as a replacement via FedEx but, it wouldn't arrive until Saturday because of the holiday. My heart sank. Oh my goodness, it is Thanksgiving day and I had to run to Walgreens to get a new glucose meter and test strips because I had none other than what I used everyday with my Omnipod. Thank you Walgreens for remaining open on the holiday. When arriving back home, I had to search for some of these...
Yep. It was back to shots for the next few days. I hadn't given myself a shot in years. So, as I had not begun my morning the way I had planned, it quickly reminded me how thankful and lucky I am to have my Omnipod insulin pump. Until this incidence,I, perhaps, had taken it for granted. I depend on my Omnipod to live a healthy life. It took one shot and figuring out the calculations and how to inject it bravely once again, to be reminded of my extreme thankfulness.
I made it through my complete panic, freak out mode and realized that yes, indeed, I would still eat the long awaited Thanksgiving dinner with my family. When I was caught up in the panic, I was being completely irrational saying that I was not going to eat anything but turkey. Man, am I ever glad that I settled down and was thinking rationally again. My sister made an incredibly delicious feast, as always, and I even enjoyed some pie. Moderation is key. Knowing that I would need to give a shot each time I ate, definitely worked for my advantage. No overindulging for this lady. Sometimes, the good Lord works in funny ways. I was forced to stray from my plan, once again. I learned from this. Be better prepared for technology mishaps such as this, relax and take things as they come. I can't control everything at all times. I try my best but, it isn't always in my hands. This I learned, on a day of thankfulness.
Thankfully, I was still able to watch some of the parade with Emma, as originally planned. My poor little lady was scared and upset about the whole situation as well. I never want her to worry about my diabetes but, she always shows such concern. She still voices her hope that they find a cure and I can enjoy mac & cheese with her. Such a sweetie!
Now that I have that off my back, Thanksgiving with my family was wonderful. My sister, my mom and I laughed so hard as we sat around my sister's kitchen counter chatting and flipping through the Black Friday ads, not that we planned to head out in that craziness. My mom called the next morning and told me that she thinks her stomach was sore from all of the laughing. I agreed. Laughter with my family has been a common theme lately. I love it and hope that it continues on throughout the holidays.
Friday morning, a cute little elf arrived to our home. It was the first appearance of the Elf on the Shelf for our family. Emma named him, Snowball. What fun and magic he has brought to our home. I took a couple of photos to share what our elf has been up to the last few days. If you don't have an elf yet, at your home, I do hope that one arrives to help share the magic of the Christmas season.
Once again, I have successfully written a very long winded post. With my mind so full of thoughts and details to share, I can't always be brief and to the point. I feel that sharing the details help the reader really visualize the scene in their mind. What do you expect from a "detail" person?
I hope that you, too, had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I hope that new memories were made to be cherished for years to come.
Here is to a great beginning to your week! I know that with each passing day, the days will continue to grow busier.
Enjoy your day!
Thanksgiving has now come and gone. I enjoyed another wonderful Pie Day with the ladies in the family last week. I am kicking myself for not taking any pictures. I always take pictures! The whole pie making process with all of us has become so efficient that it was done and over before I even got a chance to snap a photo. As always, we had lots of laughs and I ate too many of the extra little pie crust pieces sprinkled with cinnamon sugar that we always bake. You would never believe that we enjoyed wet burritos and frozen margaritas at my sister's house that evening. Surprising right??The evening included the guys in the family as well. Again, so much laughter was involved.
Yep. It was back to shots for the next few days. I hadn't given myself a shot in years. So, as I had not begun my morning the way I had planned, it quickly reminded me how thankful and lucky I am to have my Omnipod insulin pump. Until this incidence,I, perhaps, had taken it for granted. I depend on my Omnipod to live a healthy life. It took one shot and figuring out the calculations and how to inject it bravely once again, to be reminded of my extreme thankfulness.
I made it through my complete panic, freak out mode and realized that yes, indeed, I would still eat the long awaited Thanksgiving dinner with my family. When I was caught up in the panic, I was being completely irrational saying that I was not going to eat anything but turkey. Man, am I ever glad that I settled down and was thinking rationally again. My sister made an incredibly delicious feast, as always, and I even enjoyed some pie. Moderation is key. Knowing that I would need to give a shot each time I ate, definitely worked for my advantage. No overindulging for this lady. Sometimes, the good Lord works in funny ways. I was forced to stray from my plan, once again. I learned from this. Be better prepared for technology mishaps such as this, relax and take things as they come. I can't control everything at all times. I try my best but, it isn't always in my hands. This I learned, on a day of thankfulness.
Thankfully, I was still able to watch some of the parade with Emma, as originally planned. My poor little lady was scared and upset about the whole situation as well. I never want her to worry about my diabetes but, she always shows such concern. She still voices her hope that they find a cure and I can enjoy mac & cheese with her. Such a sweetie!
Now that I have that off my back, Thanksgiving with my family was wonderful. My sister, my mom and I laughed so hard as we sat around my sister's kitchen counter chatting and flipping through the Black Friday ads, not that we planned to head out in that craziness. My mom called the next morning and told me that she thinks her stomach was sore from all of the laughing. I agreed. Laughter with my family has been a common theme lately. I love it and hope that it continues on throughout the holidays.
Friday morning, a cute little elf arrived to our home. It was the first appearance of the Elf on the Shelf for our family. Emma named him, Snowball. What fun and magic he has brought to our home. I took a couple of photos to share what our elf has been up to the last few days. If you don't have an elf yet, at your home, I do hope that one arrives to help share the magic of the Christmas season.
Once again, I have successfully written a very long winded post. With my mind so full of thoughts and details to share, I can't always be brief and to the point. I feel that sharing the details help the reader really visualize the scene in their mind. What do you expect from a "detail" person?
I hope that you, too, had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I hope that new memories were made to be cherished for years to come.
Here is to a great beginning to your week! I know that with each passing day, the days will continue to grow busier.
Enjoy your day!