30 Day Mom Challenge...Take Two

After much thought and frustration after my sharing of the 30 Day Mom Challenge, I have decided to re-post it so that you can actually see it. A novel idea, right? No, I was not frustrated with the challenge, just the fact that I offered up something that I thought was really great and in turn, it was lacking greatly because you could not even see it!   Hopefully, now you will be able to view it without the use of a magnifying glass and attempt the challenge for yourself. I do apologize for the delay.  In hindsight, I wish I would have done away with the cute framed version and just typed it plain and simple but, most of all visible.  I guess this is how I learn.  Sometimes, the simple things are actually much more user friendly than being all cute and perfectionist about it.  So, here we go again. Take Two of the Mom Challenge.

30 Day Mom Challenge
  1. Ask: "What is one thing we can do together this month?"
  2. Go the whole day without yelling at your children.
  3. Hug your child three times today.
  4. Kiss your child while they are sleeping.
  5. Tell yourself, "He/She's only____ years old. He/She's still a child." Then treat him/her that way.
  6. Bake, Make or buy them their favorite food.
  7. Leave a sweet note for them.
  8. Calculate how many weekends are left before your child graduates high school.
  9. Picture yourself at your child's age. Try to remember how you felt.
  10. Today's mom focus: Joy
  11. Tell your child, "I am so glad you are my son/daughter."
  12. Pray for wisdom in mothering your child.
  13. Do not criticize your child today.
  14. Remember that being a mother is a gift.
  15. Be firm when needed, but not harsh.
  16. Picture what you want your child to be like at age 25. Mother, with that in mind today.
  17. Laugh with your child today.
  18. Who is a mom you admire? What quality of hers can you live out, today?
  19. Teach your child one thing that he/she can do on their own today.
  20. Today's focus: Patience
  21. Forgive yourself when you mess up.
  22. How do you want your child to remember you?  Be that mom, today.
  23. Replace sarcasm with kindness.
  24. Do not interrupt your child when he/she is talking.
  25. Ask your child's opinion sometime today.
  26. Make it a point to encourage your child today.
  27. Do one thing that is good for your health: walk 10 minutes, eat a piece of fruit,or get a good night's sleep.
  28. Teach your child a new word.
  29. Turn off your phone, computer or TV today when your child is with you.
  30. Today's focus: Love
Now that you can read this challenge with ease, I will again encourage you to try this.  Try it for 30 days or repeat it each month or every other month.  It does not need to be started on the first day of the month.  If you chose to begin today, choose number 21.  Or just randomly check them off as you complete each one.  I hope that you enjoy this challenge and as I mentioned in my prior post, I would LOVE to hear some feedback.  How did it go?  Was it useful?  What was learned through doing this challenge?  Good luck and enjoy these moments with your children.  


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