A Challenge

It's going to be a great day today!

This is what my mindset was as I woke up this morning, well before my alarm was to go off.  Do you ever do this?  Wake up like 24 minutes before you really must get out of bed?  Yes, I had to give you the exact number of minutes because that is just how I am structured.  I tend to have a need be exact and have a thing for counting things in my everyday life. One really funny one, is counting the swipes of deodorant I apply each morning.  Please, just laugh.  I sometimes even laugh at myself when I am doing this. It is pretty hilarious, really.  It is always a good thing to be able to laugh at yourself.  As you can see from the picture above, it was a beautiful morning as well!  This was my view of my backyard with the sun casting shadows of the trees.

This morning, my daughter wanted me to wake her up thirty minutes earlier than usual.  She decided that she wanted to have a little extra time and not be rushed.  Oh my goodness!  This was absolute music to my ears!  I think that all of my daily persistence and encouragement of using time wisely and always leaving a bit of extra time as not to be rushed, has sunk in!  Like I said, it is going to be a great day!  The morning went so smoothly.  She was happy and was left with some extra time before we headed to the bus stop.  I made sure to let her know how proud of her I was with how the morning flowed.  She instantly flashed back a big smile.  I, too, sensed that she felt great about how she used her time and was not rushed whatsoever.  As a mom, I love to see that very visible display of satisfaction and pride beaming from my daughter.  She was very pleased with herself and there was no hiding it.  Thinking about this makes me smile. :)

As I may have mentioned before, being the best mom and wife that I know how, are my top priorities in my life.  I strive to be a great friend, daughter, sister and so on, but, my focus begins within my little family unit.  I found this neat challenge for moms awhile back. I kind of tucked it away as something that I would like to do.  I love to do things in which as you do it, you check it off.  Check marks can equate to accomplishment.  Not every little check mark will be checked with complete success at all times.  Just as they don't always mean it was a great and positive accomplishment.  Nevertheless, the check marks always equate to an attempt at doing something.  It means that you have tried.  I believe that if you have given the effort to try something, it is always a success, in one aspect or another.  One can never achieve anything if they don't give the effort and try.  

So, here is this neat little challenge.  It is broken down to one challenge each day.  Very doable if you ask me.  The way that it is set up, it is not crucial that you do them in order.  I, myself, will be doing them in order because that is just the OCD in me.  I really like that the challenges lead to a positive focus and connection with your kids.  I encourage any moms out there to join me in this 30 Day Mom Challenge.  If you do choose to try it, I would love to hear your feedback.  What were your thoughts?  Did it help in creating positive connections with your children?  What did you like most? The least?  Was there any that you had trouble with?

Here is the challenge...
I know that it is hard to read at first glance.  Please just click on the picture and you will see it larger. I think you should be able to save it to your computer.  I tried to make it larger on this post but, it got cut off. Please let me know it you still have trouble and I will try to fix it.  Good luck to you and I hope that you enjoy it!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!  


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