Thankful Thursday...My Husband

It's Thankful Thursday!  I feel bad that I missed it last week. November is a month that I think we tend to try to think of the so many things that we have to be thankful for.  Most definitely, Thanksgiving Day, reminds us to do this. Why do we wait for one day to roll around each year, to give thanks? As I sit here to post today, I feel guilty for not taking the time each and every day to give thanks for being very fortunate.  I have so much to be thankful for each day. Without a doubt, more than I deserve.  As the first of the year arrives, I think that I may begin a notebook or a jar of thanks, in which I take a few minutes each day to write down a few things that I am thankful for.  Just think about how cool it would be to look back on the entire years worth of thanks.  It would be a great reminder of the many blessings we have with every passing day.  

Today, on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for my husband. This is something that should have been written many, many Thursdays ago.  My husband, Farron, and I met fifteen years ago. We met each other through some friends and it was just like I had always been told.  We found each other when we least expected it.  After that first night that we met, we were together as much as we found possible.  The more time we spent together, the more that it seemed we were a match.  In fact, we believed that so much, that we were engaged after just seven months.  Of course, we were young and in love and began thinking about wedding dates and such.  It was during this exciting time, that Farron decided to go back to college. I, too, was in college, at the time.  We decided that college educations were important for our future and put the wedding plans on hold until we were closer to graduation.  

Fast forward a few years, and we had the most beautiful wedding that I could have ever dreamed about. We had dozens and dozens of red roses awaiting us at the altar. I cried  through my vows and he so gently wiped my tears. We shared this special day with our family and friends.  I woke up on that July morning and it was raining. It is said that rain on your wedding day brings good luck.  By that evening, the skies cleared and every single detail of that day was perfect.  I would not have changed a single thing.  

We have now been married eleven years.  The time has passed way too quickly.  We have experienced and shared so many things together.  We have shared the loss of extended family members and the births of many new family members.  Most importantly, our beautiful daughter, Emma.  It was on that day of her birth, a cold, spring day, that I saw the birth of a wonderful father, my husband. He has been an amazing dad from that very moment she emerged into this world.  He was always anxious to hold her and love her. He was, and continues to be, an incredible help and partner in the journey of parenting.  He never once complained of changing a diaper as so many guys do.  

Emma is now eight and a half years old.  I still witness the amazing father in him every single day.  He is so involved and encouraging in every way possible.  I am thankful that I have Farron as my partner in parenthood.  As everyone knows, parenthood is tough sometimes.  I am thankful that I have him to lean on through this journey.  I look forward to future experiences, both big and small, as we raise our beautiful daughter together to become a confident young lady.

I am not just thankful for my hubby because we clicked at first meeting or as he is a wonderful father.  I am thankful for the man he is every day.  He is a very hard working, determined individual.  He is funny.  So very funny.  He makes me laugh all the time.  Laughter is such an important thing in life.  He has this ability to make me laugh even when I am mad or don't  feel at all like thinking something is funny.  Laughter is often the best medicine ever given.  

Farron not only makes me laugh but, also smile.  He cares for me and loves me like no other.  Yes, we are like any other couple, in the fact that we have our disagreements and experience those times of struggle.  But, that is normal and to be expected.  I have learned over time that communication is the biggest key.  When you are having trouble communicating, it can make things really difficult.  I fully admit, that sometimes when I send my hubby a text or try to call and don't get a response right away, I take it personally and feel ignored.  That is just part of my sensitive personality flaw.  If I hold that in and bury it deep in my soul, it causes all sorts of problems. Like I said, communication is key. It takes work but, is so worth the effort.  The hard times make the relationship stronger and the good times more rewarding.  

We were lucky enough to have a wonderful date night last weekend. Nothing fancy.  We went for a nice dinner out and shopped around the mall for a bit.  There is nothing I like more than when we remind ourselves how important it is to make some one-on-one time for us to connect. I love the feeling of dating my hubby like we are still newlyweds. It makes me feel alive. We love spending time with or daughter but, it just fuels my soul to have my hubby's undivided attention on a date.   Every so often, we owe it to ourselves and I believe it actually ends up benefiting Emma as well.  

My husband is a very kind and caring person.  He is not only my best friend but, my love and soul mate.  I am thankful for him every day. 

So, on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for my husband.  I love you with all my heart.

What makes you thankful on this Thankful Thursday?


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