Thankful Thursday- My Lifesaver

Here we are on "Thankful Thursday" once again.  This morning the UPS man left this at my door....
Who doesn't get excited when a package shows up on the doorstep?  This morning, I actually knew exactly what I would find inside the box.  

It was this...
My Omnipods.  My lifesaver.  I stuck the very last one, in my possession, onto my arm this morning.  Yes, it will take me through the next 72 hours, usually without any issues or errors that would cause me to need to change it sooner.  The planner in me, was experiencing a wee bit of anxiety when I was left with no extras to back me up. Of course, if it weren't for other variables, such as health insurance (yes,I have it and am thankful for this too) and the lack of infinite amounts of money in my bank account, I would have had a closet full supply already on hand.  Well, this time, it was cut a little close for comfort for this OCD planner.

The point I am trying to share with you is that fact that I am so incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to be able to wear this amazing, not so cute accessory on my body to provide the insulin that my body is no longer producing properly.  The Omnipod that I wear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, provides me with much more freedom in my life than I was able to have prior to using this wonderful insulin delivery system.  As a person living with Type 1 diabetes, I live a life that is pretty darn close to all the rest of you out there.  I remember almost 8 years ago when I was one of you myself.  This is something that I have had to adjust to and learn to live with just as anyone else has had to do with a chronic illness.  Yes, it makes me angry and sad and everything else at times, but with this pod stuck to my body day in and day out, I manage it pretty darn good.  I will not let it stop me from living my life.

I am so very thankful to wear this strange looking thing stuck to me that often receives some weird and funny looks from others.  The other option of 4 or more injections each day is much less appealing if you ask me.  I have been there and done that, and I will tell you, that the Omnipod absolutely rocks my world.  From the very first day I wore it, my life was given back to me in a sense.  It has been my lifesaver and I am so very thankful. 

I would love to hear what you are thankful for on this "Thankful Thursday".  Have a wonderful afternoon!


Cindy Bultema said…
Thanks for sharing, Jen! :)
Today I am thankful for antiobiotics and the hope that I will feel better soon! I'm also grateful for special friends (like you!) and warm, special memories we have shared.
Have a great weekend!
Cindy :)
Jen said…
Cindy, I hope you feel better soon too! I had that last winter and couldn't seem to shake it for over a month! No fun at all. I am grateful for you too! I agree...we do have some very special memories. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Cindy!

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