My Homework... A Simple Lesson Learned

Today was one of those cold, gray and rainy fall days in which I am not such a fan.  I went about my day just like usual...had my coffee, went to Target to pick up a few things, went to the gym...the rain just kept continuing to fall.  As the afternoon passed by, it was almost time for Emma to come home.  This is what reminded me that just for today, I was okay with the rain pouring down outside.  Why?  It is perhaps somewhat selfish on my part but, I knew that she would be in the house spending time with me, rather than outside with her friends.  I know, you all must think that I am absolutely crazy for even thinking this way.  Well, as I have mentioned before, I simply just miss my time with my girlie. 

We really enjoyed our time cozy in our home with the fire crackling and just being together.  After we ate dinner, she had a bit of homework to complete and then she made a homework packet for me to complete that was due by the end of today.  I just eat this stuff up.  She would make a wonderful teacher one day.  My packet included some letters that needed to be traced, a maze and a coloring page.  So flipping cute, I tell you! 

I completed the first couple of pages and saved the coloring page for last.  I began to color the picture and I was reminded how much I love coloring.  It is just one of those things that I don't think many adults ever think about sitting down to do.  As I continued finishing the picture, it was almost as if I was more relaxed and content.  Could something so simple really help relieve tension and stress or whatever it may be that we carry in our lives?  After my experience tonight, I would have to answer that with a "yes".  I think that next time I am at the store, I may just pick up a coloring book for myself.  Emma, thank you so very much for helping me to remember my childhood love of coloring.  I would be honored to be your student and sit and color for hours whenever you would like.  Thanks, Sweetie!  I love you to the moon and back for always and forever.


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