Thankful Thursday- My Gym Membership

Happy Thankful Thursday!  Today, I am thankful for my gym membership.  I absolutely love having the gym as part of my daily routine.  Well, almost daily...I haven't gone yet today.  It is so nice to walk in and the staff always greets me by name which is fabulous when you live somewhere that hardly anyone knows you from the guy next door.  I am thankful that they seem to go out of their way to make me feel welcome.  I have not come across a staff member, as of yet, that didn't go over the top to introduce themselves and offer their help in any way I needed.  I must say that in today's society, people just aren't like that anymore.  How often can you really go out and about town and come across people that go out of their way to be friendly and helpful?  In my experience, not too often at all. 

My primary reason to join the gym was keep myself in shape.  I wanted to make a visit to the gym a priority in my daily routine.  I feel so much better after I go to the gym and have had a good, hard and sweaty workout.  It makes me feel better physically and mentally, which makes everything else in my life go much smoother.  I can tell you that if I am feeling horrible about myself, things do not go too well.  It is like a snowball effect. 

My gym membership has allowed me to feel a bit less isolated here in a new city.  A place with familiar faces.  You don't realize how important it is to see familiar faces until you move to a place that you don't see a single familiar face.  For me, familiar things provide a sense of comfort.  I have only been going to the gym for a few weeks and I still don't really know the names of other members, just the faces and the smiles that they return.  I know that as I continue to attend the fitness classes and use the gym, I will hopefully get to know people better and build some new friendships along the way.  It is all a process and all I can do is take it one day at a time.

Today, what are you thankful for?


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