21 Random & Quirky Facts

Happy Monday to you!  I hope you were able to have a wonderful weekend relaxing, or perhaps being productive.  I tend to be one of those that lean toward the productive side.  Anyone who knows me, even just a little bit, knows that I have a bit of a hard time with the whole "relaxing" thing.  I often wish it were easier for me.  So, now that you know that, I thought I would share some other random facts about myself.  I had intended to post "20 random & quirky facts" about myself as my 20th post, but as you can see, it did not quite unfold the way I had planned.  Now, on with the new plan....

I will share 21 random, quirky and most likely useless facts about myself, on a Monday, in hopes to give you at least a little chuckle to begin your week. 

Here it goes...

1.  I cannot go to bed at night if there are any dishes in the sink or the kitchen is in any    disarray.

2.  When I had my appendix out several years ago, the doctor took a picture of it because it was one of the largest ones he had ever seen.  Not only that, it was in the wrong place...wrapped around towards my back. 

3.  I went to an all girls boarding school, in North Carolina, my senior year of high school.  This was by choice, not because I was a delinquent.  It was a wonderful experience that made me a stronger person.

4.  I once told my husband that there was a drive through pizza place in my hometown and he drove up and ordered a pizza only to find out it was a dry cleaners.  I still laugh about this today. 

5.  When I cook or bake, I absolutely must clean up along the way, because I can't stand to see things pile up in the sink.  I suppose this explains #1.  :)

6.  I am the baby of the family by 9 and 11 years.  The great thing about this was that for the most part, my siblings and I got along quite well and still remain close.  I love you guys! 

7.  I feel like if I ever sleep much past 8:30 on the weekends, which is rare, that I am wasting my day.

8.  I love breakfast food!  I could be perfectly happy eating either cereal or oatmeal three meals a day.  It just seems to work with me and doesn't upset my stomach like so many things tend to do.  I will admit that after eating this way for too long, I can feel I am missing important things in my diet.  So, I just add a side of veggies with my oatmeal.  I am totally kidding!  I just back off the cereal and oats and eat more balanced.  It goes in waves for me.  So random, I know. 

9.  I can't stand weird or unpleasant smells.  I need things to smell good all the time.  I almost always have a candle burning, or something baking, or windows open. 

10.  I love my laundry to smell super fresh.  I not only use the liquid fabric softener in the wash but, also a whole handful of dryer sheets in each load.  Nothing like the smell of a warm, fresh smelling load of laundry out of the dryer. 

11.  While we are talking laundry...I always keep the laundry going so that it never piles up. If I let it accumulate, I would be overwhelmed.  So, this system works for me.  Not only that, only having to do a load or two each day, makes it so easy to fold up and put away.  It gives a sense of accomplishment with little effort. 

12.  I played on the Varsity golf team when I was a freshman in high school.  Yes, it was a long time ago.

13.  I never went away to summer camp until I was a teenager.  I didn't like being away from home back then and still do not like it now.

14.  No matter what the day or where I am going or even how I am feeling, I always shower first thing out of bed.  My morning routine never varies. 

15.  Every week, on the way to the bus stop, I pick up a neighbors trash can lids and put them back on for them.

16.  I am the only one in my family to have wild and crazy, fine, curly hair.  This was a source on many meltdowns in my teenage years.

17.  I never like to ask others for help.  I would rather try to do things myself.  This at times, can be self defeating, if I end up asking for help in the end. 

18.  I never thought I would get a tattoo but, I did.  When I got it, I thought that it tickled which was certainly not the feeling I thought it would give me. 

19.  I am a habitual gum chewer.  I panic if I realize I don't have any gum left....which very rarely happens.  I am a planner, remember?

20.  Knock on wood... I have never been pulled over by a cop. 

21.  I would love to have a personal trainer who pushes me way beyond what I have conceived to be my personal limits.  Just picture Jillian or Bob on The Biggest Loser.  Funny that I would want someone to do that to me, isn't it?  The reward at the end is always so much greater when you have worked harder than you ever though possible.  I like the challenge.  :)

There you have it...21 random, quirky facts about me, "The Unperfected Perfectionist".  Enjoy your day! 


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