Thankful Thursday - Challenges and Changes

I can't believe that the very last "Thankful Thursday" is upon us!  A few short months ago, when I picked up my entire life and moved to a new state to turn a new leaf in my life...time seemed to move so incredibly slow as I was counting down the days before my next trip back "home".  Now that I am feeling more comfortable with my surroundings and have fallen into a routine here at my new "home", time seems to pass too quickly once again. 

Today, on this last "Thankful Thursday" of 2010...I am thankful that I made it through the year.  2010 cast numerous changes and challenges onto myself and my family.  It seemed to be one of those years in which with each passing tribulation, another soon followed.  I now look back and realize everything that I encountered through the year made me stronger in some shape or form. 

The first concern that came like a slap across the face was the announcement from my husband's employer that they could no longer afford to keep him as a result of the company losing the largest line that he represented in the state of Michigan.  Wow!  This gave us a sense of panic as to what the future held for us and our family.  Fortunately, the panic subsided fairly quickly as he landed an even better position with a  company here in Ohio.  As it is often said," Sometimes, things work out for the better."  I won't lie to you, it has been a very bumpy road with his job change.  He moved to Ohio in February to begin his new career and Emma and I remained in Michigan so she was able to finish out the school year.  This bumpy road included only weekend visits from my hubby until we finally found a home here in Ohio and joined him in September.

Another shock the year bestowed upon us was my dad's prostate cancer surgery.  Thank goodness, my dad keeps in fabulous shape and is very on top of his health.  He made it through the surgery with flying colors and this brought the entire family a huge sense of relief.  As I am writing this, I can report that he is cancer free. 

A challenge that I chose for myself this year was running my first half marathon.  This was an incredible experience that not only left me with a huge sense of personal achievement but, also the opportunity that I had to help others by raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as part of Team in Training.  I did have a slight hiccup along the way of my training for the race...a very bad case of bronchitis.  I never have been one to get sick very often and the timing of this sickness was the worst if there is actually ever a good time to be sick, right?  Unfortunately, I had to transfer to a completely different event because I was not healthy enough at the time of the race.  This was a great disappointment for me as I had trained long and hard for several months.  I decided to take it in stride as a minor setback and look forward to another event and keep on training the hardest I could.  There was never a chance that I would throw in the towel and not cross the finish line for something that I had worked so hard to accomplish.

As I sit back to reflect on the last twelve months, I think about the many times that I felt so overwhelmed or frustrated with what life handed me at the time but, every single time, I managed to push through the situation and everything somehow worked out.  Reflecting upon the struggles  and seeing the outcomes just reminds me that I can always handle more than I believe that I can.  I truly believe that this is true for everyone.  It just reminds me of a few of my favorite motto's...

"You have only given up if you stop trying",  and...

"If you think you can or you think you can' are always right"

I am very thankful for what the year 2010 gave to me...through the mountains and valleys, it shaped me in different ways to be who I am today.  I look forward to what the year 2011 will hold.  I will remind myself in the midst of change and challenge that each and every time, I will make it out of that valley and back up to the top of the mountain.  Sometimes it just takes more focus and determination. 


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