Turkey Day Synopsis With a Little Hiccup

Hello Friends! Thanksgiving has now come and gone. I enjoyed another wonderful Pie Day with the ladies in the family last week. I am kicking myself for not taking any pictures. I always take pictures! The whole pie making process with all of us has become so efficient that it was done and over before I even got a chance to snap a photo. As always, we had lots of laughs and I ate too many of the extra little pie crust pieces sprinkled with cinnamon sugar that we always bake. You would never believe that we enjoyed wet burritos and frozen margaritas at my sister's house that evening. Surprising right??The evening included the guys in the family as well. Again, so much laughter was involved. Thanksgiving morning arrived and I had these great visions of sitting down with a cup of coffee and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with Emma. Well, this is where diabetes showed its ugly face. I checked my blood glucose, as I ...