A New Leaf

Where on earth have I been, you ask?

Well, as I have been thinking about how I would go about writing this post, I kept going over and over in my head, the reasons that I haven't been blogging in so very long.  Well, I could likely go on and on with what may sound like "excuses" for my disappearance to the blogging world.  I will explain a bit about what I have been up to and where I have been.  In all honesty, my so-called, "excuses" are not excuses at all.  I, plain and simple, just got caught up in the busyness of life itself.  I am guilty as charged. 

Why dwell on my disappearance?  I am back! 

So many things have changed in my life since I last posted in March.  I will try to just share the basics or the biggest happenings in my world without boring you with mundane happenings.

Lets rewind a minute, back to the spring, if you will......
I was finally growing to love the new place we called "home" in Ohio.  Emma was continuing to flourish and built some wonderful friendships.  We even had her registered to become a cheerleader this fall. She was so very excited at trying something new that she also knew would take a huge commitment, both, of her time and dedication.  I was really loving my neighborhood and more importantly, my neighbors.  We became very close friends and spent time together almost daily, to some extent or another.  It may have been just sitting out in the driveway chatting or having a spur of the moment cookout together. I had the kind of neighbors that everyone could only dream about.  Seriously, it sounds cheesy but, its the honest truth.  We just fit together and connected so great and effortlessly....like we were supposed to be there. 

Did you notice the usage of the word, "was"?  Just checking.  You will soon understand. 

Spring ahead a bit to the end of May...
My husband got a phone call with a job opportunity back home in Grand Rapids.  Wow!  You would think, after reading some of my earliest posts when I first began blogging, that I would have been jumping for joy and filled with excitement, right?  Well, I definitely was feeling some mixed feelings about this.  We had said that if the opportunity were to arise, we would always choose to move back home to where our family and friends lived.  My hubby and I had a very short discussion because, he had already made up his mind when he got the offer.  "Wait, what?!  We are seriously moving back to Michigan and  doing another shotgun move, Sanford and Son style!"  was just one of many of my responses to this decision.  It was a very sore topic between us for quite some time and still is, as I am learning to adjust back here in Michigan again.  I do agree with his choice and reasoning for it.  Our house never sold, and it was what was best for our family and our future.  As much as I understand the reason, it didn't make it any easier leaving some of the best and caring friends that I have ever known.  What I do know, is that I will always have those friends and keep in close contact with them.  They have  been up to visit us and we have been back to Ohio to visit twice already.  It is just not quite the same as knowing they are there, right outside the front door.  As I learned with my initial move to Ohio, everything gets easier with time.

My move to Ohio forced me to step outside my comfort zone in my daily life.  It allowed me to become a stronger and more confident person.  I found a life that gave me more happiness than I had known in a very long time.  I can't believe that I am able to say that, considering a year ago, I left Michigan kicking and screaming.  It was an incredibly growing nine months for me as a person.  No doubt in my mind about that at all. 

So, the end of June arrived and we loaded up our lives and moved back to our same old little house that we moved out of nine months beforehand.  I am not going to lie to you.  I loved my house in Ohio which was twice the size but, at least there was something familiar to return to in my house in Michigan.  It's funny because it made the move both easier and harder because I was able to put things where I had them prior to moving but, also it seems a bit cramped.  We got used to lots of extra space!  Tight living quarters cause a lack of space to yourself.  Anyone with a cozy little home like mine can relate fully to this.  Thankfully, I am still running and this helps me to alleviate this issue and get a bit of time to myself and allow me to return with a clear head. 

Well, here we are now, the end of August is upon us already and school is about to start.  I have a comfort in knowing that Emma will be returning to her old school and I will need to settle into a new routine of my own.  I am finishing up the last week of my half marathon training and can't wait to have my last and final half marathon under my belt.  My body has struggled with the training this time around.  I believe that this body was made for shorter distances and I will continue running just because I love it.  I have refused to give up on my training no matter the struggles that were given to me.  I am not a quitter and I am doing this for my friend, Jen, who will be running her first half marathon. I encouraged her to become a great runner and in the meantime, my body was fighting me.  She will likely school me when we run the half marathon together in Indianapolis, Labor Day weekend.  I am excited to see her check this off of her bucket list and be there to share her accomplishment with her as she crosses that finish line and receives that medal of achievement.  You rock, Jen!  Thank you for all of your unending encouragement.

I must bring this novel to an end for today.  I am glad to be back to writing again.  I hope that I didn't scare you away with the long winded post.  I just had so much to catch up on...and that barely scratches the surface!  As I close this post, I realized that it is indeed "Thankful Thursday"!  I am thankful for all of my faithful readers who kept checking if I had written a new post yet.  I will try my best at falling back into my regular blogging groove.  If there is something you would like to hear about or an idea for a future post, please leave me a comment or send an email to theunperfectedperfectionist@gmail.com

Enjoy your day!


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