Never, Never Give Up!

Happy Saturday to you!  I hope you have been able to enjoy your day doing something you love.  I actually had no plans on blogging today but, sometimes I either have experiences that I want to share or ideas just pop into my head.  Today just happened to be one of those days that I experienced something that I needed to share. 

This morning was another one of those beautiful mornings that made me want to get out of bed and be happy to start my day.  It also happened to be a morning that would have my last long training run awaiting me.  I did not sleep well at all last night and certainly could have used a dose of energy.  I had my breakfast and got myself ready to head out for my run. I usually run at the same place and that shouldn't surprise anyone, as I am a very routine being.  I knew that my drive to my favorite running path would allow me to get my mind pumped up and ready for this run.  You know, when you are driving by yourself and you just crank up your favorite music and just forget that anybody could possibly be watching as you belt out the lyrics...that was me and just what I needed before my feet hit the asphalt.

I began my run with positive thoughts and once again turned up my running play list as loud as deemed safe for my ears....well, not really.  I turn it as loud as it can go.  I know it is not good for my ears but, I have to live each day as it were my last.  Quiet music just does not have the same effect at all.  If that is as rebellious as I get, I think I am doing pretty well. 

Not a mile into my run, my shin was giving me burning pain.  Perhaps a better song would help me block out the thought of my shin.  This only works for a brief time.  I just had to keep on running and repeating my favorite mantra when I become discouraged....

Never, Never Give Up! 

In fact, I have this printed on my Road ID tag that I always wear on my shoe.  If ever I forget, all I need to do is look down and see it on my shoe.  I continued on my run and tried to remain focused.  As I was getting nearer to my car and I had run about 5 miles, I was about to end my run and just shake it off as a less than successful run but, not let it get me down.  So, I stretched my legs quick and an older man, that I had passed earlier, was walking with his walking stick  stopped and asked if I run often. I proceeded to tell him that I am running a half marathon next weekend.  He asked where and told me that I was doing great and to keep running.  He told me that he was a runner for over 20 years and that walking just doesn't compare. After a hip replacement, that was his only choice. I agreed with him.  There is just something about running that gets me excited, and makes me feel great.  Honestly, even a bad run, like I had today, is better than no run at all.  It is the best thing for my soul. 

Needless to say, after my sweet and encouraging conversation with this kind man, I was able to push out another mile or so.  It was almost as if this man was walking the same path today for a reason.  That reason was to give me the little nudge of encouragement that I needed.  I am so thankful our paths crossed because he was an absolute blessing to my day. 

Always remember, Never, Never Give Up!


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