Just One of Those Weeks

Do you ever have those weeks that you can't wait to be over because they have been so incredibly awful?  I know that everyone must have had this experience one time or another.  And if, indeed, you honestly never have had weeks like this, please contact me ASAP with your secret!  Ha ha!  I am kidding.  These times in my life are what build my character, right?  Absolutely!  

Well, it is quite obvious that I had one of those weeks this last week.  I am so very thankful that today is the last day of this no good, very bad and horrible week.  I am even more thankful that tomorrow brings me the opportunity to begin with a fresh slate and high hopes for a wonderful week that will leave me forgetting about each and every struggle I had the week prior.  Of course I would never, ever want to dump all the details of my week on any of you but, I will say that if I was a negative person that had a tough time finding positives within unfortunate events or what have you, I would have been knocked down and defeated.  

I kept having to deal with issue after issue.  After each one, I kept thinking to myself....what else could possibly go wrong?  How much more can I take?  I guess that was a bit like Murphy's Law, just thinking that!  At some points in the week, I was tired, overwhelmed, anxious,  and just cried.  Sometimes, that is just what I need to do.  Does that show weakness?  Maybe to some and maybe sometimes even to myself.  I want to be able to do everything myself and it certainly isn't always easy.  I will die trying to do it myself.  It is very humbling for me to ask for help.  Like I have said so many times before, I would rather help someone a hundred times over before I ask for their help.  I'm still a work in progress.  Recently, I have had to allow others to help.  I have swallowed my pride as I've had someone mow my giant lawn, had numerous conversations with my dad, via phone calls, text or in person, about legal advice or answer questions I have had about my divorce that will soon be final.  Being a detail person, I need everything clarified and questions answered.  I hate being in the land of unknowns.  No matter what the situation, I hate having things hanging in my life.  I need all loose ends tied.  

Once Friday rolled around, I thought that since the weekend had arrived, my luck had to turn for the better.  I am only sharing this detail with you because I can actually laugh about it now.  Friday morning, I woke up with a headache, which in fact turned out to be one of the very worst headaches that I have ever experienced.  Needless to say, I completely wasted my entire day in attempt to get rid of it.  I tried to sleep, I took migraine medicine, I put an icepack on my neck, and nothing seemed to help.  I decided I needed to get something accomplished so, I threw in a load of laundry.  When I went back to toss the clothes into the dryer, I opened the washing machine to find that the clothes were soaking wet.  I tried to spin them out again, just to realize that it wasn't spinning at all.  Lovely.  Thank goodness it ran through the rest of the cycle somehow and all I had to do was squeeze the water out of each piece in order to put them into the dryer.  I stood over my washing machine at the time, pretty certain that I was saying unkind words to it, as well as shedding a few more tears, as my head continued to throb and I was wringing out the wash like I lived in the 1800's or something. I am not laughing about the headache but, wringing out my wash....definitely a comical sight to see!  Ironic how an ill working washing machine forces my hand at, yet again, asking for help. 

In the midst of a crazy and less than stellar week, I most definitely had some bright spots that seemed to show up at just the right time and never went unnoticed by me.  One of my very good coffee friends treated me to my coffee one morning. So kind and unexpected.  Sometimes it was just a phone call or a text from someone that just knows how to make me smile or somehow just knows when I answer the phone that something wasn't quite right with me and knows still how to get me to smile through it. One day this week, it was the locksmith at my house changing a few locks, that the moment she walked into my home, said how great my house smelled.  No matter how overwhelmed and awful my week may have seemed at the moment, these somewhat small things, were actually the things that made a much bigger impact in my spirits.  It has just been a reminder of something that I already knew...it truly is the little things that mean the most in life.   

Tomorrow morning, I will awaken to greet a new day and a new week with confidence that it will bring better things and more positives than the week I leave behind me.  I will read this little saying as many times as I need to this week and whenever I need a reminder.

Have a wonderful week!  


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