Busy, Busy, Busy

Good Tuesday morning!  
So, obviously, the last week completely flew by with me writing only one post!  My only explanation is that I had one of those really busy weeks again.  The type of week in which it seemed that I had something going everyday and not enough down time to sit down and post.  I had plenty of thoughts to post.  My timing was just off.  I usually like to write in the mornings because once the day gets going, it is over before I know it.  I am so easily distracted that the quiet of the morning creates the best writing time for me.  My mind is fresh, I am usually somewhat rested and you can see the general idea of how I function.  

Last week was a busy week but, such a good week, as a whole.  I went with my friend, and old neighbor (she is not old, she just moved on me), Erin, to the gym and we signed ourselves up for memberships. We are excited about getting back into the fitness program.  I can speak for myself, that I had been doing a poor job as far as staying with my running and workout routine.  My bout with anemia and several weeks with the flu,greatly attributed to this lapse.  Now that my energy is coming back, I am ready to throw myself in 150%!  It has only been a week and I feel ten times better already!  Nothing can replace the feeling of kicking up my endorphins with exercise.  No, I am not trying to sell a fitness program, just speaking from my personal experience.  I know from talking with many people that exercise can be a really tough habit to form.  Everyone gets busy and tired and overwhelmed or whatever else in our lives.  Often, exercise seems to be one of the things that gets knocked down the priority list.  I have learned, firsthand, that it should be bumped up toward the top of our priority list. The benefits of doing some sort of regular fitness far outweigh the disadvantages. Living with a chronic illness, I have learned to prioritize taking care of my health.  Fitness is key.  I will throw out a few benefits out at you...just in case you needed to hear them again.  Again, I am so totally not, preaching whatsoever.  Just speaking from my personal experience.  I understand that my thoughts can easily be taken as a grain of salt.  As always, you have the choice to take what I say and put it to use or simply leave it.  :)

Benefits of fitness through my eyes...
  • Increases energy level ( This one seems backwards but, it is so very true!)
  • Kicks up endorphins in our bodies ( Huge benefit!  Especially if you live in a place such as Michigan, where the winters are long, cold and gray.)
  • Keeps body weight at a healthy number (Very important for everyone.  Obesity has gone rampant in our country.  It also leads to health issues such as diabetes.  Trust me on this one.  If you have the choice in avoiding diabetes by simply losing a little bit of weight, consider yourself lucky.  If I had the option to lose this chronic disease by exercising and losing weight, I would never leave the gym.  Unfortunately, with Type 1, I wasn't provided with a choice. Just a crazy fluke with my body.  
  • Builds muscle and helps bone strength (Important especially as we age)
  • Provides a positive role model for our children
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Its fun!  Just try it!  
The only disadvantage that I can come up with is that your body may get a bit sore from time to time from exercising but, this is actually a benefit as well.  The old saying, " No pain, no gain."  You know that you are working hard enough when you can feel it.  Don't quote me on that.  If you  are feeling pain while exercising, you may want to scale back or ask your doctor about it.  Trust me on this one.  I have pushed on through pain before and gone back the following day for more.  This is not always the best choice.  Listen to your body.  Sometimes it needs a bit of rest and recovery.  As long as you don't rest for so long that you fall out of the habit.  Enough said.

Funny that I told myself that I would attempt to write a slightly shorter novel today.  Not working out too well!

I was able to join Emma on a field trip Thursday, to a place called Charlton Park.  This is a historic village and museum.  We had the opportunity to experience a one room school house, a stagecoach house, and historic museum.  We made candles, the kids chopped & peeled veggies for soup and churned butter.  It was like traveling back in time seeing how people lived in the 1800's. Times were so much simpler back then.  I am not saying that I would rather have lived back then.  I will be honest.  I don't like to be cold and the heating of homes was not quite what it is now.  I love a fireplace but, in addition to the heat from my furnace.  If you are interested in learning more about this village, check it out here. I am not at all a history buff and I really enjoyed visiting this place.  I am always so thankful to be able to share these field trips with Emma.  It leaves fond memories in my mind every time.  Here are a few photos of our day.
So excited to see snow!
Writing on slate in the schoolhouse
Churning butter
Chopping veggies
Candle making
Our weekend was busy too!  Friday afternoon, Emma and I had yet, another field trip with her Girl Scout Brownie troop.  We went to a local Veterinary.  Such fun to see all of the behind the scenes stuff at an animal hospital.  We saw a dog fresh out of surgery, dogs that were kenneled, doggie day care, a dog on a water treadmill and even were able to pet some puppies.  Fun and right up my daughter's alley.  She would like to grow up and become a veterinarian herself.

Saturday morning was cold, wet and rainy.  Michigan, remember? Emma and her Brownies walked in a Christmas parade and threw candy.  Despite the rain, the girls had a wonderful time!  

One last fun thing in my weekend, was going to a hockey game with our friends, Bill and Erin. Yep, same Erin as I mentioned above.  We had front row, on the glass seats.  As someone who gets bored easily, this is the only way to go!  The action is right in your face.  The players crash up into the Plexiglas right within an arms reach.  A very fun time. I hadn't been to a hockey game in years.  My hubby and I used to go to most of the home games way back when we were dating.  I will admit, I wasn't even sure that I wanted to go and sit there for a few hours but, I am glad I took a better attitude and decided to go.  Our team, the GR Griffins ended up winning in overtime.

Finally, I think I am going to wrap up this post.  I should have known that after only posting once last week, that I would be a novelist today. Thanks for visiting and allowing me to share my random happenings.  I hope that your week is beginning on a positive note.  

Enjoy your day!


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