Thankful Thursday- My iPhone

It is Thankful Thursday again!  I am sorry to have missed last week.  I have one to share with you today and it is something that I vacillated back and forth over really sharing.  Well, here it goes....

I am thankful for my iPhone. 

There, I said it.  I have been totally boycotting the whole iPhone thing for awhile.  It seems that lots of people that have them, can't seem to put it down and it becomes like another appendage or something.  You know what I mean when I say this, don't you? You see these people everywhere you go. The technology of this phone has made it possible to do just about anything at all right in the palm of your hand.  You can do the obvious and make phone calls or send texts and email.  But, you can also do a multitude of other things....

take pictures and video
play games
check the weather
catch up on Facebook
listen to itunes
watch videos on YouTube
read books

...and of course there is an app for just about everything under the sun that you could ever possibly need or want to do and then some. 

So, I caved and was sucked into the iPhone world last week.  I used to have a "dumb" phone and thought it was fine until I took the step into the "smart" phone world.  Wow!  I will is quite fabulous!  I have vowed not to let myself be sucked into it like so many people are these days.

The reasons I like it so much is that its functional.  I like that I can use the calendar, easily check the weather and even check my blog stats.  I will say that I have found a couple things that I really like to use...

I found an app to make my grocery list so much easier and therefore my shopping trip a bit less stressful.  This in itself makes it all worth it!

Another really great app that I can use when I run is iMapMyRUN.  This uses GPS to follow your route that you are running and gives you a complete rundown on your workout.  It gives me the time, distance, pace, speed, calorie burn and a map of my run.  This rocks my socks!  Love it! 

The other thing I really like is Pandora.  Love this so very much.  I turn this on before I launch the iMapMyRUN app and off I run with fabulous music to listen to.  This is even better than itunes because it isn't the same old songs all the time. 

So, now I have shared why I am thankful for my iPhone.  I find that it works out well for me and has made things easier for me in several ways.  I will not, however, allow it to take over my life and become an appendage like so many other seem to do. 

What are you thankful for on this Thankful Thursday? 

Enjoy your evening! 


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