50 Random & Quirky Facts

Hello friends!  I am sitting here on this first Wednesday in March looking out the window, as I compose this post, at beautiful, clear blue sunny skies!  Ahhh, this puts a smile on my face and makes me feel that there is hope of spring arriving in the near future. 

Today, is my 50th post to my blog!  I can't believe that I have already written and shared so much in the last several months.  It has been such a great experience for me.  I never realized how much I liked writing until I began this blog.  I hope that you all are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. For my 50th post, I decided to do something a little different, like I did here for my 21st post.  I will share some more random and quirky facts about myself.  So, here they are...

1)  I always put my clothes out at night for the next day.  I have done this for as long as I can remember.

2)  I prefer not to fly on airplanes because they give me anxiety.  I don't like the lack of control and feeling like I am trapped. 

3)  I would love to someday own a black Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500.  First, I must learn how to drive a manual transmission. 

4)  I can't stand to eat shrimp because the texture of them in my mouth makes me want to puke.

5)  I used to be a huge fan of the Oakland Raiders after meeting them in Chicago when I was younger.  I have autographed photos of them too.  The funny thing is that I don't have the attention span to sit long enough through a football game.  The exception is actually attending a game.  As far as football on TV...I am usually multitasking to pass the time.  I have tried many times to get excited about watching it but, no dice. 

6)  I ran my first half marathon last year and would consider running one again sometime in the future.  I would love to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon or perhaps one in Hawaii (although, that would involve a plane ride....it would be worth it!)

7)  I do not like ketchup or mustard on my hot dogs or cheeseburgers.

8)  Everyone thinks that I am not human because I do not really care for chocolate.  I like brownies but, not Hershey bars or chocolate ice cream. 

9)  I took up running in the last several years and wonder why I didn't like it before.  Best thing I ever took up. 

10)  Whenever my brother and I attend weddings and someone gets up to sing, we get uncontrollable laughs.  We don't laugh because it is funny,  it is just one of those times that laughter seems to come out of nowhere and can't be stopped.

11)  I love to clean!  

12)  My favorite pop is Diet Cherry Pepsi.

13)  I love to sit in the sun (I guess this does not come as a surprise).  I have always tanned easily and it just makes me feel good.  I know it is not good for me but, I still enjoy it.

14)  I love Mexican food so much that I could eat it several times a week.  

15)  Every time I bake chocolate chip cookies, I place an un-chocolate chip cookie on the cookie sheet for myself.  Then, I mix in the chips and scoop out the rest.   

16)  I had about 30 dozen red roses at my wedding.  It was absolutely incredible. Almost 11 years later, people still make comments about it. My good friend did the flowers for the wedding and stood up as a bridesmaid.  Lori, you are awesome.  I miss you! 

17)  I never learned how to play a musical instrument.  Music notes were like a foreign language to me.  It never made much sense to me.  

18)  I love art.  I enjoy creating things.  It is another one of those things that I have forgotten how much I enjoyed until I sit down to create.  It makes me happy to use my creativity.  

19)  I very briefly worked as a cashier at a hardware store when I was in high school.  I did not enjoy any part of it.  Just a character building experience.

20)  I love getting new sneakers and I can't stand having them dirty.

21)  I don't often go to movies because it is hard for me to sit still for so long.

22)  I must match my underwear to my clothes.  I do the same when I pick out my  daughters clothes.   

23)  My favorite concert ever was Michael Buble'.  He put on an incredible show and I can't wait to see him again when I get the opportunity.  He is also super cute!

24)  I never had a smore made over a campfire until several years ago.  My only explanation is that my family never went camping. 

25)  I once rear ended one of my good friends on the way home from high school because I was changing CD's.  I hit her and she hit the car in front of her.  Guess who got the ticket?  Only me.  I learned my lesson.

26)  When I graduated from college, I was a preschool teacher.  It was so fulfilling to teach these little souls the very basics in education. 

27)  I am not a fan of roller coasters.  This is not because I am afraid but, because my stomach does not much care for it.  I think that I may have to brave them regardless since I live less than 10 minutes from an amusement park and we are planning on getting season passes.  If nothing else...I will be participating in lots of people watching.

28)  I am currently brainstorming the logistics of a business venture I may begin. 

29)  I am my own toughest critic.  I have very high expectations of myself and am not happy with any less.

30)  Besides teaching preschool, my two favorite jobs were working in a bakery and a wholesale flower shop.

31)  I wish that soccer and lacrosse were sports offered when I was younger because I would have loved to play them.  I would do it as an adult if I found a team or league. 

32)  I can't stand when people have dirty fingernails.  It gives me the heebie jeebies. 

33)  When I eat out, I am always the last to order even though I usually order the same things.

34)  My favorite ice cream is vanilla.  Plain and simple.

35)  I wash all the sheets every Sunday.

36)  I wear jeans so often that I feel dressed up when I wear something else. 

37)  I will not wear black and blue together because I feel like I look like a bruise. 

38)  I have never been ice skating before. 

39)  Even in the winter, I always have my toes painted and still shave my legs daily. 

40)  I have a total phobia of wearing a bathing suit.  Especially where others are around.

41)  I love to read.  Books, magazines, newspapers or whatever.

42)  I must brush my teeth first thing out of bed.  I feel disgusting if I don't.  Teeth brushing is always followed up with a shower.

43)  The last thing I tell my daughter when I tuck her into bed at night is always that I love her.

44)  The last thing that I tell her before she goes to school is that I love her and to have a wonderful day.

45)  One of my nicknames growing up that has still stuck with me is Peanut.  My husband added his own spin to it and often calls me Peanut Brittle. 

46)  I can't stand to have my picture taken.

47)  If I walk into a room of my house and something is out of place, I absolutely can't bring myself to walk by and leave it.  No matter how hard I try.  I must pick it up or take care of it. 

48)  I can not stand conflict.  I must always sort through things and fix whatever the issue may be.  Even if I didn't cause the conflict, I will often bite the bullet and say sorry in order to move past it.  Otherwise, it just eats at me and I won't stop thinking about it.

49)  Being the center of attention makes me very uncomfortable and I avoid it if at all possible.

50)  I have an extremely difficult time accepting compliments.  I always seem to downplay them or negate them in some fashion.  As with many other things, I am working on this.

Wow!  That was a little harder than I first thought it would be to come up with 50 things.  I don't often think about myself other than I can be a little bit quirky in general.  Everyone has their quirks and that is what makes everyone unique and the world interesting.  Imagine how boring life would be if we were all carbon copies of each other.  No thanks. 

Try sitting back sometime and thinking up 50 things that have created you be the unique individual that you have become over the years.  It is a bit of a challenge but, also teaches you a touch more about yourself and what constitutes you as the special person you are.  I will admit that this took entirely more time than I ever anticipated but, was well worth the time and thought I put into it.  

I encourage you to try this and learn more about yourself as I did myself.

Enjoy your evening!   


Unknown said…
That was super fun to read! Thanks for sharing. I am "trying" to really take up running this year more seriously. I hope I learn to enjoy it as much as you!

Anonymous said…
How can we hang out at the pool everyday if you hate swimsuits! Jeannie will not put up with clothes at her pool. Of course she doesn't really wear any anyway....Nicole

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