Yep...I'm Still Alive!!!

I'm back!! 

I know some of you may have wondered what happened to me.  Did I fall off the earth?  Did I run out of things to blog about? Did I quit blogging altogether?  Nope.  None of the above.  Quite honestly, I've just been traveling through life day by day just like each one of you are doing.  I will admit that there were many days that I told myself that I needed to sit down to blog but, obviously other things either took priority or I quite possibly was distracted by things in my life.  Today, was one of the few times that I was actually happy to see it rain!  Not only did it give my lawn a much needed drink but, it also excused me from picking those rotten weeds that seem to sprout as soon as I get them picked!  I thought it was a perfect day to sit down with my computer just like I used to do all the time, to get back to blogging and my love of writing.  A perfect day to feed my soul.  Those weeds will have to wait until the sun beckons me out there.

So, where do I even begin?  Over 8 months have passed since I've posted to this blog.  Well, so much has happened since September.  Some big things and some small.  Some super exciting happenings and some extremely boring too.  I've even learned lots of new things.  Who doesn't love to learn new things?!  

Rewind to the fall...Emma started fourth grade, which I'm sure I already mentioned.  She and I have settled into our routine at home together and her weekend travels to her dad's home in Indiana.  She is with her daddy three weekends each month, unless we have swapped a weekend for one reason or another. I know how important it is for her to have a relationship with her daddy and see him on these scheduled weekends but, after all this time, I still get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as I hug her goodbye and she gets into the car and drives away with him.  It's almost as if someone ripped my arm off and threw it where I couldn't find it.  A big part of me is missing when my sweet girl isn't home.  
October brought a big change in my life.  I met the most wonderful guy that I ever could have imagined meeting.  I think that I may very well have fallen in love with him the first day that we met.  The moment our eyes met and I saw his great smile, I was done.  He had me. Our very first date was walking around downtown together as we checked out ArtPrize.  We had a fabulous time talking and laughing as we started to get to know each other.  I am pretty certain that I had a smile on my face the entire time!  I could not have asked for it to go more perfectly.  We've been together ever since that Friday afternoon, the fifth of October.  I have, never in my life, been happier.  We make a great team and have a wonderful partnership.  He has helped me with so many things.  And what is most special, is that he helps willingly and not begrudgingly. Chris is one of the most giving and caring people that I have ever known.  We gave Emma's room a makeover, my bathroom and the spare bedroom.  Fresh paint for each room!  Those were just a sample of all the things he's helped me to do.  Basically, we went through my entire house and organized everything and I got rid of more stuff that I even want to tell you that I had!  My home now feels fresh and organized just as I like it to be.  Thank you Chris, you are truly the best!  I love you with all my heart.  Thanks for coming into my life and making me realize how happy life can be and that I indeed could open my heart to love again.  I am more thankful for you each and every day.  
Let's see, what other random things happened in my life....

I had a blast learning how to snowboard in December, with Chris and his kids at Boyne Mountain. (Emma was with her dad so she was unable to go with us. She had her own private snowboarding lesson with Chris a few weeks later.) The not such fun part was breaking my wrist 2 1/2 hours into it!  I was sure that I was fine and didn't need to go to urgent care. I refused to go until the next afternoon. Chris finally, made me go and its a good thing that I did.  I had to wear a silly immobilizer on my wrist for 2 months.  Such a bummer! I was out for the season!  I can't wait for the next thing...learning to wake board!  Hopefully, I have better luck. If you've never broken bones before, I'll tell you to never take for granted things like brushing your teeth, showering and other daily activities that I struggled to do on my own.  If you know me at all, I hate asking for help with things.  This forced me to ask for help a little more than I was comfortable with doing. I still need to go to physical therapy because it still just isn't right. Does breaking my wrist get me off the hook a little bit for not writing?  

In my absence, I started liking baseball, following MSU basketball, and actually enjoying movies.  Its amazing how things take on a whole different perspective when you  are in good company and that the company you are in, enjoys you just as much.  I've done the obvious, dusted lots, cleaned toilets, sinks & showers. I've shopped Walmart many times and see someone in their pajamas every single time! I learned how to use a power sander. I've given and received lots and lots of hugs!  I've enjoyed walks with my girl. I've enjoyed heart to heart talks with Emma.  I somehow acquired an addiction to homemade caramel corn that I ate entirely too much of this winter.  I ran and exercised too little.  I have gained a few extra unwanted pounds. I've learned to hit the snooze button occasionally. I have laughed daily since I met Chris.  We laugh so hard together.  Emma and I have laughed daily until tears are running down my cheeks.  I've laughed with my family, Chris's kids, Chris's family, my friends and sometimes just at myself.  After not much laughter for years, it is such an amazing thing in my life to be able to laugh hysterically almost every day.  Laughter is another thing that feeds this girl's soul! I've met new friends, reconnected with old friends.  I've begun going to church once again.  I've been to concerts and 40th birthday parties at mega 80's night.  I've eaten lots of Mexican food and enjoyed a few margaritas. I had another birthday. I woke up to waffles in bed from Emma on Mother's Day and pedicures with my both my sweeties. I've enjoyed too many BBQ chicken flat bread sandwiches from Subway with a side of a white chocolate chip cookie.  It's truly not a wonder why I'm carrying several extra pounds on my body.  

I'm happy.  Happier than I have ever been .  The few extra pounds may bother me but, not as much as they once would have because my heart is filled.  I am blessed with such incredible people in my life.  If this were my last day on this earth, I would know that I was perfectly content and had no regrets.  

Thanks for stumbling back here to read my random happenings after my long disappearance.

Have a wonderful afternoon!  


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