Thankful Thursday- My Neighbors

Good Thankful Thursday afternoon to all of you!  It is a frigid but, gloriously sunny day here!  I couldn't be happier!  Sunshine feeds my soul and makes me feel so wonderful!  I even ventured outside for a 2 mile run in the cold with the sun beating down on me.  Ahhh, it felt fantastic! 

This Thankful Thursday, I am going to brag about my amazing neighbors.  I am thankful every day for the fact that we landed ourselves in a neighborhood with such incredibly nice people.  I was really worried about moving from out of state into a new neighborhood.  You know when you move within the same area just to a new neighborhood, you know what the general feeling of the new "hood" is.  That is usually why you choose to find a home in that particular neighborhood.  Well, we just had to take a leap of faith when we found our house, in a cute neighborhood, that was tucked on a cul-de-sac, yet close to everything that I would need.  I wanted to be within a 15 or 20 minute radius of the grocery stores, Target, the gym, my favorite Mexican dining establishment, the park and so on.  Luck had it....this home fit the bill!  It was actually the only house that I set foot in before we chose it.  We were on a time crunch and it just seemed right. 

I couldn't be more thankful that I did land in my neighborhood.  Yes, I will tell you that, at first, I wanted to find something wrong with it and didn't want to open myself up and get to know my neighbors.  I was, in a sense, boycotting it because I didn't want to move here in the first place.  I was afraid that I wouldn't fit in being from out of state or that no one would like me. These are some of the crazy thoughts that my mind tricked me with because I kept comparing everything to home.  Nothing seemed like home and I missed it like you wouldn't even believe. I had convinced myself that nothing could replace my old house and my old neighbors.  I, initially, felt like I had moved to another country.  Sad and utterly ridiculous, I know.  I cried every single day for probably the first month or two.  Are you laughing at this pathetic image of me?  I hope that you are because, looking back, I even chuckle over this. 

I woke up one day and decided that I needed to give it a chance or it will never get better and I won't enjoy my life here.  Well, I am glad I made that choice to gave it a chance, because I have begun some pretty great friendships.

Now, let me tell you about these fabulous neighbors.  My neighbors on both sides, have not only become great friends of mine, but also, my husband  and Emma.  Once I opened myself up and began getting to know these fine people, I found out how much fun we had together.  We have gotten together for dinner outside at one neighbors before trick or treating on Halloween and ended the evening sitting around a fire at the other neighbors.  Before Christmas, we did a progressive dessert night, indulging in dessert three times over!  I am telling you, these people are great fun!  We have gone out to dinner as families and even a girls night at the local Mexican establishment.  As I sat talking with these great ladies, while dining on my favorite fare and drinking a frozen margarita on a cold and snowy evening, I realized how comfortable and at ease I felt.  We had lots in common and sat talking and sharing about our lives for 4 hours!  I love that we all seem to be up for anything.  We loaded up and headed to the Cincinnati Zoo on New Year's Eve to see their light display and hardly any animals.  It was complete chaos parking and began raining before we entered the front gates. Unfortunately, my neighbor, Jen, and her family headed home after the zoo because her children were younger and therefore needed to be to bed earlier.  The rest of us headed to Max & Erma's for dinner, in which we closed the place...not too busy.  We rang in the New Year with the others and it was filled with huge amounts of laughter.  I love people that can make me laugh!

I could seriously go on and on with more examples of fun times that I have enjoyed with my new neighbors, and more importantly new friends.  They have made me feel so welcome and cared about. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, Jen texted me on a Saturday afternoon to see if I would be home.  She said she had something to drop off...
A few minutes later, she showed up at my door with these beautiful tulips!  She said when she saw them that she thought of me and knew I couldn't wait until spring.  How sweet for her to help brighten yet another gray winter day.  Thanks so much, Jen!  These tulips cheered me up for many gloomy days.  I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know.

I am kicking myself for shutting these kind loving people out for so long before I even gave them a chance.  Please forgive me! 

Well, now I have given you a bit more than a snippet of how lucky I am to have these wonderful neighbors!  I am thankful for them today and each day that lies ahead.  I look forward to many more fun times filled with laughter, girl talk, book club, dinners out, dinners in, family adventures, races to run, days at the pool....and whatever unfolds down in this special cul-de-sac of mine.  Here's  to you my cul-de-sac crew!  You guys rock! 


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