Thankful Thursday...Emma Grace

Is it really Thursday already?? I was just looking at my calendar and realizing that there are only 17 days left before Christmas! Oh my goodness! Confession time...I have not even started Christmas shopping yet. Yes, you heard me correctly! Not one single item purchased as of today. This makes my chest feel a bit of tightness as I take a deep breath to calm myself. For some odd reason, I just don't feel all caught up in the Christmas spirit this year. We have our tree up and decorated beautifully but, sadly enough, nothing else is out besides for some Christmas kitchen towels. If you know me at all, you may be thinking that this is very odd. It really is. I usually have decorations all over my house and it is always cozy and festive. My best explanation as I think about this, seems to be that since we moved, I have felt like nothing is where it should be or I go looking for something and can recall seeing it in our house in O...