A Muddy Run

Saturday morning, I woke up to birds singing and the sun shining. What a wonderful way to greet the day! I had my alarm set because it was "race day". I didn't want to risk the odd chance that I would sleep too late. As I got out of bed, to begin my day, I was feeling my stomach flip flop with the usual nervous butterflies but, even more so, I was filled with excitement. The day had finally arrived in which I would be running in my first 5K trail run. Until this point, I was solely a runner who stuck to paths, streets,or sidewalks. Saturday changed it all. The morning was cool and quite breezy. My neighbor and friend, Jen, and I arrived at the park almost an hour before the race was to begin. We had no idea how many people to expect or what the whole process before the race would entail. Well, an hour was entirely too much time. We were able to walk right up to the check-in and get our race numbers and t-shi...