
Showing posts from March, 2011

A Muddy Run

Saturday morning, I woke up to birds singing and the sun shining.  What a wonderful way to greet the day!  I had my alarm set because it was "race day".  I didn't want to risk the odd chance that I would sleep too late.  As I got out of bed, to begin my day, I was feeling my stomach flip flop with the usual nervous butterflies but, even more so, I was filled with excitement.  The day had finally arrived in which I would be running in my first 5K trail run.  Until this point, I was solely a runner who stuck to paths, streets,or sidewalks.  Saturday changed it all.  The morning was cool and quite breezy.  My neighbor and friend, Jen, and I arrived at the park almost an hour before the race was to begin.  We had no idea how many people to expect or what the whole process before the race would entail.  Well, an hour was entirely too much time.  We were able to walk right up to the check-in and get our race numbers and t-shi...

Six Months, Already?

Six months, already?  Are you serious?  Yup, it is true.  I moved here, to Ohio, six months ago already!  It doesn't seem possible considering the feelings that I had as I began this new chapter in my life.    As I have shared with you before, this likely was one of the hardest things that I have had to do in my life thus far.  It seems just like yesterday, that I drove under the "Welcome To Ohio" sign with my entire life in tow.  I was absolutely terrified, sad, anxious, angry, sick to my stomach with a tiny, wee bit of excitement somewhere deep down inside of me.  Those first couple of months here were somewhat miserable and lonely.  I felt so very isolated and visited home as frequently as possible.  The days seemed to drag by so slowly.  People kept telling be that it "will get easier".  At the time, I would hear that phrase and just think to myself, "yeah, whatever."  Guess what?  It did get easier!...

Thankful Thursday- My iPhone

It is Thankful Thursday again!  I am sorry to have missed last week.  I have one to share with you today and it is something that I vacillated back and forth over really sharing.  Well, here it goes.... I am thankful for my iPhone.  There, I said it.  I have been totally boycotting the whole iPhone thing for awhile.  It seems that lots of people that have them, can't seem to put it down and it becomes like another appendage or something.  You know what I mean when I say this, don't you? You see these people everywhere you go. The technology of this phone has made it possible to do just about anything at all right in the palm of your hand.  You can do the obvious and make phone calls or send texts and email.  But, you can also do a multitude of other things.... take pictures and video play games check the weather catch up on Facebook listen to itunes watch videos on YouTube read books ...and of course there is an app for j...

50 Random & Quirky Facts

Hello friends!  I am sitting here on this first Wednesday in March looking out the window, as I compose this post, at beautiful, clear blue sunny skies!  Ahhh, this puts a smile on my face and makes me feel that there is hope of spring arriving in the near future.  Today, is my 50th post to my blog!  I can't believe that I have already written and shared so much in the last several months.  It has been such a great experience for me.  I never realized how much I liked writing until I began this blog.  I hope that you all are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. For my 50th post, I decided to do something a little different, like I did  here for my 21st post.  I will share some more random and quirky facts about myself.  So, here they are... 1)  I always put my clothes out at night for the next day.  I have done this for as long as I can remember. 2)  I prefer not to fly on airplanes because they give me anxiety....