
Showing posts from 2015

Life is Short in a World of Busyness

Hello!  I have not posted to my blog in over a year!  Where do I even begin?! So many things always running through my mind as I have wanted to write so many times in the last year.  Unfortunately, once again, life got in the way and I put my writing on the back burner.  My friends, I can't tell you how much I have missed writing posts about life in general.  So many changes around here in the last year.   Honestly, I could tell you that I have been too busy to write, which is true to a degree.  How truly busy are we in our lives?  Too busy to make time for our passions and things that we enjoy and make us happy?  I have recently stumbled upon articles about how the world that we live in today, basically has trained us that we must constantly be busy.  When you ask someone you haven't seen in awhile, how they are doing or what they have been up to, so often, the response is…"Busy". I am certain that ...