Yep...I'm Still Alive!!!

I'm back!! I know some of you may have wondered what happened to me. Did I fall off the earth? Did I run out of things to blog about? Did I quit blogging altogether? Nope. None of the above. Quite honestly, I've just been traveling through life day by day just like each one of you are doing. I will admit that there were many days that I told myself that I needed to sit down to blog but, obviously other things either took priority or I quite possibly was distracted by things in my life. Today, was one of the few times that I was actually happy to see it rain! Not only did it give my lawn a much needed drink but, it also excused me from picking those rotten weeds that seem to sprout as soon as I get them picked! I thought it was a perfect day to sit down with my computer just like I used to do all the time, to get back to blogging and my love of writing. A perfect day to feed my soul. Those weeds will have t...