Searching for Some Inspiration
Do you ever have those days in which you just feel you need a bit more inspiration than on other days? I had one of those days today! I prefer to be the one to offer up some inspiration to others but, there are many occasions that I must go searching for some of my own. Its really ironic because as I was thinking I needed a dose of inspiration, Emma had turned on the T.V. and would you believe inspiration was staring me dead in the eye. The Ironman World Championship was showing. I don't watch much T.V. but, this really captured me today. I watched the well trained endurance athletes compete in this event and amongst them were also people that had never competed before. They told stories of several competitors. A woman that used to be very overweight, a woman that was diagnosed with cancer and endured treatments at the same time she was training. There was a man with no legs and a man in his eighties. While watching th...