Yes!! One Month Already!

Today, I have hit a milestone in my road to healing and better health. It's already been one month that I have been completely gluten-free! Part of me feels that it went by quite quickly…then, when I reflect back to the times that it felt like such a struggle to feel normal, or like everyone else when it comes down to meals, snacks or grocery shopping, it seems like time has crawled by incredibly slowly. I have had times that I feel like I am doing a pretty darn good job with adjusting to this whole, " I have celiac disease, I absolutely can NOT have any gluten, not even a crumb, so please keep it away from me or I will be very sick…I will wash my hands obsessively, cook with my own "special" pans and utensils and sometimes when out to eat with others, will sit and watch the rest of you eat, thing that I will call my new life." I am really trying my very best to stay positive about this, as much as I possibly can. The last month has defi...